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Q: Is the usage of the word tentative is correct in the following sentence Thanks - Dear Emma Kindly inform us by tentative if you are not sure for the attendance.?
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You had not taken that into account. Would be the grammatically correct version of that sentence.

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This can fall under two different forms of sentence. One denoting a list, and one not. IE: Thomas is following Susanne. The following is a list of automobile parts you will need: So, this will largely depend on the kind of sentence you are forming and the information you are trying to get across to your audience.

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The correct punctuation for the sentence is: "How was your weekend?" Jerry asked.

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The correct grammar is "Between you and me."

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A correct way to ask this question is, "What were you doing before?"

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The correct sentence is: "Have you ever traveled before?"

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To it is not. The correct term is "how are you?""Which of the following statements is most correct?" is an interrogative sentence, a sentence that asks a question.The interrogative pronoun 'which' indicates that there are two or more choices from which to select a statement.

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The following are your resumé and covering letter is a correct sentence.

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