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Q: Is the word 'gullible' in the dictionary?
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Why isn't gulable in the dictionary?

The term "gulable" is a misspelling of "gullible," which means easily deceived or tricked. It is indeed a word in the dictionary.

Why isn't the word gullable in the dictionary?

It is, only its spelled "gullible".

When did they take guilible out the dictionary and why?

The problem lies with your spelling. The word is gullible, not guilible, and it is still in the dictionary.

Why is the word gullible not present in the dictionary?

No, it isn't, but gullible is.A TRICK WITH THE WORD GULLIBLE!Tell a friend that the word 'gullible' is not actually listed in the dictionary. When they insist that it must be, and try to look it up to show you, they will realise something!

Is gullible a real word?

Yes, gullible is a real word. It means easily fooled. Some people might say to you, "did you know that the word gullible isn't in the dictionary?". If you actually check to see, that will prove that you yourself are gullible, thus humiliating you. Watch out for that -- it's the oldest trick in the book. ;)

Why are tacos so gullible?

Gullibility is not a property of tacos. Read your dictionary as to the meaning of gullible.

Was gullible removed from the dictionary?

ha ha ha Because you might have recognized your picture! :) OK who went and checked. Own up.

What is the one thing you can not find in a dictionary?


Is gulable in the dictionary?

Yes, but it's spelled "gullible".

What is the base word for gullible?

Gullible is the base word

What part of speech is gullible?

The word gullible is an adjective.

What is a sentence for the word gullible?

A sentence for gullible: "You dropped your pocket..." "Really where?" "You're so gullible!" ~13434