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yes! i went in for an ultrasound and thought i was 7 weeks and having a miscarriage. The ultrasound showed no embryo only a yoke sac. I went to my regular doctor the next week and it was there and i was 7 weeks on that day. so just wait it out!

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Q: Is their still hope if no embryo was present in ultrasound at 6 weeks?
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I have an ultrasound scheduled on the 30th of this month if I am pregnant would they be able to see anything on the ultrasound even though it is only two weeks after ovulation?

If you were pregnant the developing embryo would be about the size of the head of a pin. The embryo is not the first sign of pregnancy found on ultrasound; the yolk sac shows up long before the embryo is visible. The yolk sac can't be seen uon ultrasound until at least four weeks after the last period.

3 weeks after embryo transfer with a positive pregnancy test but no sac on ultrasound.Is this possible or is it too early to do an ultrasound?

You wouldn't normally see a sac on ultrasound until about 5 weeks. Sounds normal.

Should ultrasound show embryo at 6 weeks?

My doc recommends at least 6 weeks and 3 days and even so it's early...Would try at 7-8 weeks

How big should you be at 5 weeks pregnant?

You shouldn't be big at all. At five weeks pregnant you have just developed an embryo. An ultrasound typically will not even be able to detect a heartbeat yet.

Why fetal pole is not present in 6 weeks?

i had an ultrasound when i was 6 weeks pregnant, but by ultrasound, the pregnancy measured to be 5 weeks, so no fetal pole was seen yet. i think the earliest fetal poles can be seen is about 6 1/2 - 7 weeks. hope this helps :)

Can you have spotting after a frozen embryo transfer and still be pregnant?

I am 7 weeks pregnant after having a frozen embryo transfer. I have been spotting continously since with one episode of a heavy bleed with loss of tissue and clots. My doctor has kept me on progesterone pessaries as well as provera to control the bleeding but I am still pregnant and yesterday a healthy fetus was confirmed on ultrasound with a heart beat of 146. == ==

Where is my baby if it's not in there sack at 7 weeks?

At seven weeks gestation your embryo should be clearly visible on ultrasound, if no embryo was detected you may have what is called a blighted ovum, meaning that conception took place but the embryo never developed, only the amniotic sac did. Please note that this occurrence will not affect your ability to conceive again, and was of no fault of your own. I wish you the best.

Doc is sending you for an Ultrasound at 4.5 weeks will they see anything?

Most probably not much. Embryo wont be visible this early. Sac may be visible. All they can confirm probably is that you are pregnant and embryo is implanted at right place ie the uterus.

What are the complications for ultrasound measurements of head 36 weeks and abdomen 39 weeks 4 days in 27 year old female?

The only complication that can present would be an allergic reaction to the gel used for the ultrasound, which is very unlikely.

What does it mean if you are unsure but think your 9 weeks pregnant have started spotting blood and ultrasound measures 7 weeks with no heartbeat but the sac was present?

Then you are going to have a miscairrage.

5Weeks 2days vaginal ultrasound report - Intrauterine gestational sac of average diameter of 7MM Seen without any definite fetal pol or embryo at present small amount of free fluid seen in the POD?

If you blood work is positive , give it a couple more weeks .

If you are pregnant how long would it take to see the baby in an ultrasound or even pap smear?

You can usually see the sac on ultrasound at five weeks. It may be six weeks until you can see an embryo. A pap smear can't tell if you're pregnant; it's a screening test for cervical cancer and precancerous changes on the cervix.