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Q: Is there a Japanese word for Bonsai Master or Bonsai Creator?
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What is the word 'bonsai' when translated from Japanese to English?

盆栽 【ぼんさい】 bonsai, the Japanese art of growing ornamental, miniature trees, derives from 盆 bon, "basin" and 栽 sai, "planting."

What does Bonzai mean in Japanese?

"Bonzai" is not a Japanese word.盆栽 (bonsai) is a type of tree.万歳 (banzai) is a celebratory cheer.

Is bonsai a herb?

No. Bonsai is a Japanese word that means dish tree. They are different plants (usually trees) that are treated in a way that results in their resembling a miniature form of a normal tree.

Where are bonsai trees native?

In China, but it was the Japanese who perfected the art. Bonsai is an art which people have to get a tree and plant it the best they can possibly do. It is the art of describing the environment miniaturized by using a variety of techniques to form, shape and care for the tree. The direct translation of "Bonsai" The art of growing a tree in a pot. Bonsai utilizes different training techniques to achieve desired styles. Typically bonsai trees are small compared to the tree it would represent in the wild, they usually rang from 6″-24″. The art of Bonsai dates back 2000 yrs to the Ming dynasty. Origins probably date back even further as the Japanese word Bonsai comes from the Chinese word "P'en Tsai" which sounds similar to bonsai and has basically the same definition. To restrict our interpretation of the word to a potted tree does not do it justice. This is an ancient art that dates back thousands of years. One could study bonsai his whole life and develop his style and art and it would be ever evolving and there would always be new facets to improve upon. The real essence of Bonsai is found in the Japaneses word's for art, there are three types of art in the Japanese language.

What is the Japanese word for master?

depends on what usage master as in instructor sensei

Why did the Japanese yell 'bonsai' during World War 2?

Actually, BONSAI means potted plant that is unnaturally dwarfed. The word you are reffering to is BANZAI, which means 10,000 years. It is just a thing that they say when they engage in combat, commit seppuku, etc. They want the Japanese empire to last 10,000 years.

What does the word Dattebayo originate from?

The word Dattebayo originates from the Japanese language and has no real meaning. It was used in Japanese anime and the creator said it was a senseless word that he would use as a child.

Is the word bonsai a noun or an adjective?

No. A bonsai (bonsai tree) is a dwarf decorative tree, and the name of the trimming art form. There is no adverb form.

Why did the Japanese yell 'bonsai' during World War II?

The short answer: they didn't. They did use the word "banzai" (which may sound somewhat similar to those who don't speak Japanese. This means "ten thousand years" and is part of a longer phrase along the lines of "ten thousand years to the Emperor." The word bonsai is very often mispronounced in English. It should sound something like the French word "bonne" and the English word "sigh" together. I hope this answers your question. :-)

How is the word bonsai written in Japanese?

It is written using the hiragana characters Bo, N, Sa and I. The word together looks like this: ほんさい It is also literally translated as "Tray Planting" Using Japanese Kanji characters, it is written as follows: (You would write it as below when including it in writing or something. The one above is only for when needing to pronounce the Kanji characters.) 盆栽 From, Bonsai Answeranator

Does bonsai mean 10000 years?

According to Wikipedia the word bonsai is composed of BON = BOWL and SAI = PLANT.

Word for creator in Japanese?

"kami" means God. 創造主Sōzō-nushi some who creates