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Yes. If you get knocked up in Britain, someone's at your door. Knocked up in the US, you're pregnant.

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'English' in a locational context, refers to things that come from, or to do with, the country of England. 'British' means things that come from, or are to do with, the island of Great Britain, and also the nation of the United Kingdom. Since Great Britain includes the countries of Wales and Scotland, something can be British without being English.

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Q: Is there a big difference between British English and American English?
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It is important to note that there is difference between American English and British English. In order to sound British, one must adopt British English for example; Stress upon 'A' or use the word flat instead of apartment.

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There is no difference. In American English, the verb is to orient; in British English, the verb is to orientate.Not true! 'To orient' is perfectly correct British English and is preferred by many of us to the unnecessarily and pointlessly extended version 'to orientate'.

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What the different between American English and British English?