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Although there isn't a breed that is 100% non-allergenic, but there are several tha are hypoallergenic. These include the Balinese, Laperm,the Bengal, Cornish Rex, Devon Rex, Javanese, and the Oriental Shorthair.

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Q: Is there a cat that is OK for allergic people to have besides the sphinx?
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What is the best cat for you if you are allergic?

Most people that are allergic to cats are only actually allergic to the fur, so a hairless cat.

What kinds of cats can you NOT be allergic to?

Allergies are unique to the individual, but I have a short haired cat that I am allergic to and cannot cuddle. And I have a long haired cat that I can cuddle without any allergy Also you could be just allergic to the fleas or flea dirt on the cat. --- The best breeds you can get if you are allergic are Sphinx (a hairless breed) and Rex cats (Short, curly coated breeds).

Are people who are allergic to cats also allergic to fancy mice?

People who are allergic to cats aren't really allergic to their fur. Their allergic to the dandruff a cat produces as an adult. Since kittens don't have dandruff people aren't really allergic to them. So I doubt that people allergic to cat's are allergic to fancy mice but if they produce the same dandruff it could be.

What is cat epithelium?

Cat Epithelium is the cat's skin or dander. This is what most people with cat allergies are allergic to.

What is a sentence with the word Sphinx?

We got the idea of having a sphinx like cat on the cover from Chris's cat.

Is the Burmese cat a good pet for people allergic to cats?

being a cat, probably not.

Why cat are harmful?

Many people are allergic to cat fur, cats can cause "cat scratch fever" also.

Can cat dander be unhealthy to senior citizens?

Many people (old or young) are allergic to cat dander.

Why does my domestic cat lay down like a sphinx when he isn't a sphinx?


What does a cat sphinx look like?

A Sphinx cat has no hair ,Sometime they could be born with very little the sphinx cat I had had very little hair. When they have very little hair you could almost all them a "Odd Ball", sound mean but if you think about it a sphinx is not supposed have hair.

What is the hairless cat?

A sphinx cat is more or less hairless.

How many kittens in a litter from a sphinx cat?

Not all sphinx cats are in fact hairless. If you are looking for a hairless sphinx cat, it is possible to have one or two in a said litter. When the cat gives birth the average number of kittens is 5-7.