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Hi, I'm Twilight Maniac. I wrote all these cheats on word, and I hope they help, if you have a problem , don't do anything because I have no way of recontacting you. "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" without quotes, including spaces. Do this cheat in the neighbourhood, enter your sims, and click and drag skills, relationships, needs, personalities up or down. To turn of this cheat that may crash your sims, replace true with false. Hope this helps. Ps, to repay me, be anti animal eat/ kill live animal, and animal fights, on internet. Please note that these videos are actually illegal in every single country that is civilised. Really hope these help, so spread the word by simply copying and pasting everything I wrote onto answers. Twilight maniac.

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Q: Is there a cheat to set skill level in sims 2 for PC?
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it is....set career [career/level]

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yes there is and i have it but i dont remember... :) srry!!

Can you get to the top of a Career on Sims 2 on the PC by Cheating?

Yes. type "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" into the cheat bar, then shift click on the newspaper, adn chooe either adult jobs if you want to get them a job, or click set job level to, then click on the level you want your sims job level to be at.

Is there a cheat in the sims 3 to improve your career performance?

If you type in in the cheat bar "testingcheatsenabled true", press enter then hold down shift then click on the mailbox. Then select "set career" select the career you want and click on the level you want.

What is the best cheat code for Firstinmath?

when you go to skill set 5 and still not play the game it says gn=whatevernumber change to and uper number and it will change you to another skill set

What is the cheat to make your sims older on sims 2 deluxe?

Use the boolprop cheat and then shift click on your sim. In those options there is one that says SET TO BIRTHDAY, click on that and then click on your sims. There should be an option to grow up or go to the next life stage.

How do you use a cheat so you can complete the skill sets on first in math?

There are no cheats on the skill sets. I can't even finish game 3 on skill set 2. I am also looking for cheats for skill sets, but I found out that there are no cheats for the skill sets. Sorry.

Is there a cheat to increase aspiration meter in sims 2 PC?

Yes, all you need to do it type in the boolprop cheat, then shiftclick on your Sims, then click "set aspiration..." there are 2. You can change their apiration all-together or you can make it lower or Platinum ect...

Is there a sims 2 cheat for making a house with more than five floors?

write this into the cheat box in your neighbourhood. set HighestAllowedLevel # the # is the max number of floors you want. write this into the cheat box in your neighbourhood. set HighestAllowedLevel # the # is the max number of floors you want.

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set the graphics level higher if your computer can take it

On sims 2 how do you change a sims aspiration?

Easy, go to the neighbourhood before you load your family and get up the cheat bar (CTRL+SHIFT+C). Then enter boolprop testingcheatsenabled true in the cheat bar and press enter, now load your family and hold shift and click on the sim you want (click on them while your still holding shift) then find the option "set aspiration level" (let go of shift now.) Now click on set aspiration level and find the one you want E.G "Family" or "Romance" or "Knowledge" or "growing up" and click on it, now the thing your sims aspire to has changed. Good luck

Can you force a career in sims?

yes you can. Type boolprop testingchetasnebled true in the cheat box, then go into a family and select a sims. wait for the newspaper to come and shift click it and click on Adult careers....... Chose what one you want. Then to set the level instead of getting promoted, click on SetjobLevel....... chose the level you want, 1 being the lowest, 10 being the highest. Hope i helped