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The point of contraceptive pills is to make your body think you are pregnant without being so. That means that you will have increased hormone production which can lead to nausea. I would recommend YAZ. That particular pill was made with lower doses of certain hormones to decrease the chances of unwanted side effects. It can only be prescribed by a doctor and shouldn't be taken under certain conditions. PLEASE CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN before changing any medication.

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Q: Is there a contraceptive pill which won't make me nauseous?
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dont ever ask a question like that again.. and if you take a bc pill then it wont stop the bleedingggggg.. ask your doctor for more information

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This is fine. It wont have the effect of missing the pill because you didnt miss a pill, you just took one pill 6 hours earlier than usual for you. Try to stay nearer the time for your medication but you are protected still against pregnancy.

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