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No. Crohns disease is not curable. New treatments for symptoms are discovered all the time and research for a cure is on-going. Diseases of the bowel are not often well funded for research as most people are embarrassed by them. Makes you think about the phrase "Dying of embarrassment".

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No. At present doctors can only help alleviate the symptoms, encourage remission and continue to research a cure.

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Q: Is there a cure for crohn's disease?
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Does crohns disease have a cure?

Crohn's Disease does not currently have a cure; however, scientists and researchers are working hard to find one!

What is the cause of Crohns disease?

The causes of Crohns are unknown, much more research needs to be done. If researchers could find a cause then a cure would quickly follow. Right now there is neither a cause nor a cure identified.

Could it be that the Depoprovera shot that you got has actually cured my Crohns disease?

No Depo provera has no known effect on Crohns disease. The progestin can change your appetite and therefore your eating habits but it does not cure Crohns disease. Most likely you are simply in a remission which has coincided with the new birth control.

Is there a vaccination for crohns disease?

No. A cause for Crohns has yet to be discovered and until then, a cure or preventative medicine will not be available. For now, the best medical science can do is treat the symptoms.

How does someone get Crohn's disease?

They are still looking for an answer to this question. The cause (s) of Crohns are still unknown as is a cure.

What are some of the digestive system?

crohns disease crohns disease

Is mangosteen a cure for Crohns?

Mangosteen juice is often combined with other fruit juices as a health drink. There is no evidence that the juice cures any disease.

Why do Jewish people have a higher risk of getting Crohns disease?

Having the answer to this question would go a long way in helping to find a cure. It is not known why certain ethnic groups are more predisposed to getting Crohns disease.

Did Dennis Kucinich suffer from Crohn's disease and cure it by eating vegan?

No, sorry. No one is cured no matter what you read. Crohns has no cure. Crohns patients have remissions and these can last for years but once you are diagnosed with Crohns disease you have it forever. A simple blood test can be done on even a patient in full remission and will always show up positive for Crohns. If it were that simple all of us who suffer from Crohns would gladly eat Vegan, it would be a great alternative to not eating at all during a flare up.

How many types of crohns disease are there?

There is only one type of Crohns disease. Crohns disease can manifest anywhere in the digestive tract but it is the same disease no matter where it appears.

Is bipolar linked with crohns disease?

is bipolar and crohns disease linked together

Can you get Crohn's disease?

There is no know cause of Crohns disease at this time. Research is ongoing as to the causes of Crohns disease.