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Having the answer to this question would go a long way in helping to find a cure. It is not known why certain ethnic groups are more predisposed to getting Crohns disease.

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Q: Why do Jewish people have a higher risk of getting Crohns disease?
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Why do blacks get crohns isn't that a Jewish disease?

No. Crohns is not a Jewish disease, Crohns makes no distinction between race, religion, age or gender. There are studies that show some slightly higher risk factors but there is no conclusive evidence placing any one individual more at risk than another.

Can Crohns Disease turn to Cancer?

Yes. Some studies have shown as much as a five times increased risk in the development of intestinal cancer in patients with Crohns disease as compared to the general population. This should not make you panic however. More than 90% of IBD patients never develop cancers and because of the increased testing done on bowel disease patients those who do develop cancers are almost always caught early and survival rates are better than those who are not diagnosed as early.

Is Australian Crohns Disease caused at birth or from the environment?

It is still unknown what causes Crohn's disease. This is what is known or suspected. Inherited predisposition has long been suspected and families with a history of Crohn's often produce children with higher risk of developing the disease. Environmental triggers also are being studied with no definitive results. Hyper activation of the immune system appears to be an important clue but testing and research is ongoing. Most recently a gene called NOD2 has been identified as having an association with Crohns. Crohn's disease is not however confined to an individual country, a Canadian or American with crohns disease is diagnosed the same as an Australian. Dropping the country specific designation will help your search for information.

Is heart disease inherited?

It is not inherited like say.. Sickle Cell Anemia, but if you have a family history of Heart disease, you do have a higher chance of getting it.

What disease can you get if you eat and drink things that contain to much sugar?

You can get diabetes. If it runs in your family then your chance of getting the disease is higher.

What gender does crohn's disease affect the most?

About 20% of people who have Crohn's disease have a parent,sibling or child with the disease. It affects about the same number of women as men and can develop at any age however most are diagnosed between 20 and 30 years old. It can affect any ethnic group but if white and Jewish of European decent you have 4 to 5 times the risk. It occurs most often in people who live in urban areas of industrialized countries and people who live in northern climates have a greater risk than those in the tropics.

Is it true the higher your cholesterol the higher the rate of getting a heart disease?

yess.... it acually is.. i hopee i gave youu the right answer.. i think i am right haha

What percentage of people have Crohn's disease?

The rate varies in every country and many do not keep statistics but it seems the rate in North America is around 1.5% and slightly higher in England. The reason more people seem to be getting it may be because doctors are getting better at diagnosing it correctly.Currently more than 500,000 Americans suffer from Crohns disease. This means that approximately 1 in every 544 or 0.18% of the American population has been diagnosed.The U.S. census bureau keeps these records and they are not completely accurate as new diagnosis are made daily.

Can you die from crohn?

Yes, crohns left untreated and unmanaged can cause you to die. Mortality rates for crohns patients is under 5% when managed and treated. Much higher when not. Secondary infection, is a major cause for deaths, notably post operative and from suppressed immune systems.

Does Crohn's disease affect certain groups of people more frequently than others?

The cause of Crohn's disease is not known. Many sources such as bacterial and viral causes have been searched for but never confirmed. Dietary and possible allergenic factors have also been excluded. Although emotional factors are not a cause of Crohn's, they seem to have an impact on the course of the disease. Environmental, genetic, and immunological factors have been researched at length. Conclusions drawn at this time indicate that many of these factors could play a role in Crohn's disease. Crohns is described as an idiopathic disease. Further research is ongoing to find the true cause of this chronic disease. While there is no simple correlation from parent to offspring, the disease does tend to run in families and studies are ongoing. It is known that as many as 20 to 25 percent of patients with Crohn's disease have a relative with CD or ulcerative colitis. There is also a proportionally higher incidence among certain ethnic groups. Those of eastern European decent and Jewish heritage have a higher incident of the disease. Crohn's disease appears to be a disease that primarily affects those living in Western, industrialized societies.

Is running or walking more likely to reduce the risk of heart disease?

Your risk of heart disease can be greatly reduced by lifestyle changes and yes, running does greatly decrease the chances of getting heart disease. You may be of higher risk though because your family has a history of heart disease.

Do people with emphysema have a higher or lower breathing rate than someone who does not have the disease?

Emphysema causes a higher breathing rate. A person with emphysema can be "air hungry" even when getting external oxygen by mask or cannula.