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With increased age there is always an increased risk of going under anesthetic. This is usually due to the fact that the liver and kidneys don't function as well as they would in a young healthy pup. Not to say that they won't function well. Also with an older female or a female that has had pups ( even if she is still young) there is increased risk of bleeding during the removal of the uterus and ovaries. This is why there is usually a 'mature fee' associated with the spay of an older dog. It takes more anesthetic time to prevent any (excess) bleeding. Also if it is a very old dog there can be whats call 'pyometra' which is a condition of the uterus that sometimes occurs.

All in all, it depends on the health of the dog, not the age.

To decrease the anesthetic risk of an older dog going into surgery, the following are typically recommended by vets:

PRE SURGICAL BLOOD WORK- this lets us know if the liver and kidneys are functioning well enough to be able to handle the anesthetic

IV FLUIDS- helps keep blood pressure up, keeps the dog hydrated, makes recovery time faster and easier and helps flush the system of anesthetic

Propofol- this drug should be used as the induction agent when putting the dog 'under' before they are put onto the anesthetic gas (isoflurane) The reason being that propofol is metabolised by the lungs instead of the liver/kidneys.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Yes it is safe for a dog to be spayed at 7 years old. we had my dog spayed at 5 years old and is just fine :)

they say it is easier on the dog to spay them earlier ( anytime after six months)

but like I said my dog was 5 and made it just fine :)

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12y ago

yes the anesthesia can harm her just like if you spayed them when their too old.she could have an allergic reaction to it and if you vet says to spay them early then i really wouldn't use them anymore.dogs should be fixed around 6 months of age.

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It is an instrument used when spaying a female dog.

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It is a dog that has been desexed, through Castration. Either castration for a male dog or spaying for a female dog. The dog is then mixed gender, neither male nor female.

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Spaying is the removal of the ovaries from a female dog. No dog that is spayed can have puppies. No female dog can have puppies with another female dog. If you are asking about a male dog, the correct term is neutered, not spayed.

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What do you call a spayed female dog?

Spaying is for female animals. Neutering is for male animals. Both procedures make it impossible for a pet to reproduce: a spayed female cat/dog cannot get pregnant, and a neutered male cat/dog cannot impregnate a female.

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Fixing a male cat is called "neutering," and fixing a female cat is called "spaying."

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Is there a chance a female dog can get pregnant right after spaying?

Once the ovaries and uterus have been removed from a female dog, it is impossible for her to get pregnant. If a bitch 'believed' to have been spayed does get pregnant, it must then become obvious that the dog was never spayed.

What is the operation called to stop a female dog to having puppies?

Spaying is the procedure. If the female is in the early stages of pregnancy or is simply suspected to be pregnant, then it's an emergency spay.