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No, however depending on the circumstances it could carry Jail time, a fine or community service

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Q: Is there a death penalty for burning the New Zealand flag today?
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Many believe that it is not. A black person who kills a white person is eleven times more likely to receive the death penalty than a white person who kills a white person. A black person who kills a white person is 22 times more likely to get the death penalty than a white person who kills a white person. From 1608 to today only 46 white people who have killed a black person have been executed. So race is a factor in getting the death penalty as well a wealth. People who are poor are more likely to get the death penalty than those who are rich and can afford good lawyers.

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How are the tables of Rome and the code of Hammurabi different?

The Code of Hammurabi and the Twelve Tables of Roman Law were sets of laws established long ago in two different time periods. Despite their differences they share much in common. One similarity that stands out first is the way the two civilizations viewed the death penalty. By today's standards their views are considered harsh. They fling the death sentence around for many crimes. The Code of Hammurabi as well as the Twelve Tables of Roman Law use the death penalty to punish those who bare false witness. The death sentence is also handed down to thieves caught in the act. In the Code of Hammurabi it says a man who steals from a burning house is cast into the fire.

Who got the first death penalty?

(in the US) The law and the punishment was passed by the legislatures of the various territories and states. At one time every US state enforced a death penalty. Today (2011) 35 states plus the federal Government and the US military still enforce a death penalty, while in the past several years the legislators of the other states have rescinded their state's capital punishment laws.