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Q: Is there a difference between Honda oil filter 15400-PLM-A01 and 15400-PLM-A01PE?
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Is there a difference between a filter and a filter element?

Nothing, they are the same thing.

What is the difference between a petrol oil filter and diesel oil filter?

Difference is capacity and the fuel type.

Difference between slow sand filter and rapid sand filter?

distinguish between slow and rapid sand filter

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What is the difference between filter element and filter cartridge?

A cartridge filter is inside an assembly as an element is its own assembly.

What is the difference between slow sand filter and rapid sand filter?

differentiate between slow and rapid sand filters

What is the difference between coffee filter paper and filter paper?

There is no difference between a regular laboratory filter and a regular coffee filter. It's only different when you use more expensive laboratory filters with a specific small pore size or special coating

What is the difference between coffee filter and laboratory filter paper?

There is no difference between a regular laboratory filter and a regular coffee filter. It's only different when you use more expensive laboratory filters with a specific small pore size or special coating

What do a vacuum cleaner and a tea strainer have in common?

They are both a filter like the vaccum cleaner it filters all the dust and dirt while the tea strainer filters the tea bag or the tea leaves. :) So I repeat they are both a type of filter :)

What is the difference between water and ecowater?

The main difference between water and ecowater is the hardness rating difference. For water testing and filter options, see your local water specialist.

What is the difference between filter by form and filter by selection?

filter by form is to allow two or more criteria to be specified at the same time and filter by selection a way to filter records for an exact match

What is the difference between a 10 micron filter and a 100 micron filter?

a ten micron filter will remove smaller particles from the system, but will also clog faster