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Apparently there is but be very careful because it is often stated that even the experts have trouble telling the difference between these two definitions and even between Narcissism and narcissistic tendencies and the prognosis is different for each. My husband had NPD and everyone said that he couldn't get better but he did. After that there were those who said OH he really just had tendencies! I think that it is dangerous to try and diagnose someone as incurable when it is not so clear cut. My husband and I have the best marriage ever now. If you want to read more about our story or read an advice blog to my readers please visit the links below. Kim Cooper author of "Back from the Looking Glass" Living with the personality Disorder that Causes Abuse.

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It's kind of like the difference between a respiratory infection and lung cancer.

Everyone is self-centered to one degree or another at times; that's normal, if not always appreciated by the people around you.

Narcissists are hard-wired to focus only on their own needs, primarily for recognition, praise, and other self-esteem props. Some of these people have super-fragile egos, even if they seem obnoxiously self-confident (sometimes called a "brittle" narcissist); others have an ingrained sense of self-importance and entitlement because they've been trained to believe they're more special than everyone else.

Regardless of the underlying reasons, what separates most narcissists from the merely self-centered is that they focus on themselves, their status, and the image they project to the exclusion of almost all else. They lack real feelings of warmth for people, and tend to see others as objects to be used to make themselves look or feel better. has a great overview of narcissistic personality disorder, at the related link.

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