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Yes, it requires a JTAG console which is about $500 and rare. Then it requires you to cheat which takes away from the point of the game.

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Q: Is there a invincibility cheat for modern warfare 2 on xbox 360?
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What is the cheat code for invincibility in modern warfare 2 for Xbox 360?

if you were the one who asked this you are a retard there is not one

Is there a code for invincibility in modern warfare 2 on xbox 360?

There are no "cheat codes" for MW2 but if you use a mod system where as you put your account in your computer, mod it, and put it back. you can activate "god mode" which you become invincible but if you are not host of the lobby it will kick you from it or you xbox will restart.

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use hardline

Modern warfare for regular Xbox?

There is no Modern Warfare for the original Xbox.

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I can't find one...

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its to not cheat

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Can you buy an Xbox 360 with modern warfare 2?

If you get the Special edition Modern Warfare 2 Xbox 360

When did the modern warfare 3 Xbox come out?

Modern Warfare 3 for Xbox 360 came out November 8,2011.

Is there a cheat code for invincibility for star wars the force unleashed 2 for xbox 360?

yes its is strongernow

Is xbox 360 modern warfare 2 the original xbox or an elite?

It is an Xbox 360 Elite with a Modern Warfare 2 design on it and it has a 250G Hard drive.

What does the Intel Pieces do in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2?

On consoles like wii and xbox you collect them to unlock cheat codes. there are 30 of them