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Basmati rice

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Q: Is there a low carb rice available?
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Related questions

Where can I find interesting low carb chicken recipes?

One may find low carb chicken recipes on websites including 'All Recipes', 'Low Carb Diets' and 'FatSecret'. Low carb chicken dishes may be accompanied by salad, broccoli and mushrooms. Generally low carb dishes do not have pasta or rice accompanying them because of the high carbohydrate levels.

What are some examples of rice alternatives?

Some people may have a slight or severe allergy to the proteins in rice. Some possible alternatives that can be found in American grocery stores include: quinoa, amaranth, barley or millet. Also, orzo pasta can be used as a readily-available rice substitute. All of these alternatives are not "low carb" options. If you are looking for a low-carb alternative, try lentels, beans or steamed vegetables.

Do low carb foods hurt you or help you?

Generally, low carb foods are good but carbs are still necessary for energy. Try to limit the amount of carb intake and balance it with healthy carbs such as brown rice and beans.

Where can I find low carb chicken recipes?

There are many low carb chicken recipes available at online recipes sites such as Allrecipes. There are many other recipe sites as well. One could also find low carb chicken recipes in cookbooks available at a local library.

Is rice a carb?

Yes, rice is a carb. It is a grain, so it does count as a carbohydrate.

What are some low carb chicken recipes?

There are many low carb recipes that have chicken. One example is chicken noodle soup, with brown rice instead of the noodle. Since brown rice is a brown carb, it contains less carbs than the noodles--which are white carbs.

What are the most effective low carb diet plans?

There is no one low-carb diet. Stop eating food with sugars, white flour such as pasta, bread, cake, donuts, white rice, and starchy foods such as potatoes.

What is a starchy carb?


Does uncooked rice have fat?

rice has very little protein in it is a carb mostly. but slow releasing so its a good carb

Where can I get a list of low carb foods?

There are a lot of websites available with lists of low carb foods for diets. You can find those lists on one of the following websites:,, and

Will not eating carbohydrates create adrenal fatigue?

To be completely honest there is no effective diet that contains NO carbs or nearly no carbs but if you are on a relatively low carb diet and watch the carb sources you eat there should be no problem. Good carb sources: Brown rice instead of white rice, brown bread, nuts, seeds, chicken, meat , fish.....

Are there any low carb recipes online?

Yes, there are a lot of low carb recipes online. This site offers a bunch of low carb recipes and is just a starting place to learn about low carb diets.