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In some it is a sexual fetish.For others it is a domination behavior.It has also been a superstion of some tribal peoples that eating your enemies transfers their phsical prowess or bravery to the person that eats them. Physically , it can cause a type of prion disease , like BSE [Mad Cow ] , if your eat the brains.

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Q: Is there a mental disease associated with the want to commit cannibalism?
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Is there a mental disease associated with cannibalism?

Antisocial personality disorder.

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Is cannibalism considered a mental disorder?

All day long!

What drugs causes cannibalism?

There is no specific drug that causes cannibalism. Instances of cannibalistic behavior are incredibly rare and usually associated with mental health disorders such as schizophrenia, psychosis, or extreme cases of substance-induced psychosis. Drug use can potentially exacerbate these underlying conditions, but it is not the direct cause of cannibalism.

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Alzheimer's disease is a mental disease. It destroys a person's memory and mental functions.

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i don't have a disease, stalker!

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The urge to commit suicide is a symptom of a mental or emotional disorder, so it is reasonable to say that 100% of children who commit suicide have a disorder or very serious depression (which is a disorder.)

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Love in general should be considered a mental disease, no matter you love.

How does alzeheimer's effect the nervous system?

Alzheimer's is a degenerative disease of the brain. It leads to mental deterioration. Victims may have memory loss, short attention span, and even language loss. A lack of acetylcholine is associated with Alzheimer's disease.

What are some side effects of cannibalism?

Cannibalism can look odd by human standards, but in fact it's widespread in the animal kingdom, and also amongst many human populations in the past, and survived till the20th century in some areas of Central Africa, South America, New Guinea and Vanuatu. Because many infections pass from victims to consumers, diseases linked to cannibalism should be very common, fact that does not happen. This could be due to the fact that cannibals usually feed alone. "Maybe this is why cannibalism is no longer common among people as it was in the past, because of the strong negative effects it can have when transmitting a disease. Cannibalism has some diseases with it's practice. Kuru is an incurable degenerative neurological disorder (brain disease) that is a type of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy found in humans. It looks like a cow with mad cow disease.

Did Hitler have a mental disease as a child?

There is no medical or historical evidence whatsoever to suggest that Hitler suffered from a mental disease as a child.