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Probably not 100% gay but Brighton, England has a high population of gay people. The UK is pretty tame with gay people besides the fact marriage isn't allowed.

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Q: Is there a place in uk where only gay people live?
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There is no such thing as a gay life style. This is an out-dated term for gay people who do not live in the closet. Today, we know that being gay is an orientation, not a life style. Gay people live the same kinds of lives that non-gay people live.

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Where do most gay people in the U.S. live?

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Yes, Gay people live in Roxbury. They also live withing binocular range of your house.

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Is Brunswick a good place to live for gay couples?

Not that many places are Gay-friendly.However, i would recommend San Fran for gay couples to live in, this is the most accepting place for lgbt peoples.

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Gay people only follow other gay people.

Does the Mediterranean have gay people?

Yes, in fact every place on Earth has gay people.