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The owner gets that choice to pick which genres of gear get to be presented in your starterpack. If I were you, type in 'Gear Testing' in the search bar.

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Q: Is there a place on roblox where they allow all types of gear?
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How do you allow gear on roblox?

configure your game and allow what ever genra of game you want.

How do you pick up a drill in roblox?

To pick scattered gear up on roblox, just walk over it and it will appear in your tools for the game you are playing. To get rid of it, use your item and hit backspace.

How do you set backpack items in roblox?

Currently there is no way for you to choose what gear items you take with you to a place on Roblox. Instead, all gear items you own that can be brought into the place will be in your backpack. You can drop individual gear items by selecting them and hitting the backspace key.

How do you sell gear on roblox?

You can't sell gear on roblox unless it is labled: LimitedU, which means it's only availble for a certain amount of people, but when that's over, you can sell it for more than you bought it for, but you only get a third of that money. Only thing is, this is for hat's. I haven't seen any gear like this, but if they do make or have sellable gear, that is how you sell them. (Check it on: This item for sale? And type in how many robux you'll sell it for)

When i rent a gear in roblox why can't use it?

Well maybe you went to a place which your gear's type is not allowed. For example, You went to a game which only allows the "Navigation Enhancer". If your gear is a weapon You will not able to use it at that place. If your gear is a Rocket Launcher or a Fuse Bomb, go to a game where it allows "Ranged Weapon", "Melee Weapon" and "Explosives". That way, you will be able to use your gear at that place. Hope this helps! PS. You will find the allowed gear types in one place beside the picture of the place.

How do you put gear in your place in roblox?

Go to models click a gear then it will ask you do you want to put this in the starter gui then click yes.

How do you set a price for gear on roblox?

Only ROBLOX can sell gear, and set a price, sorry.

Can you get gear with tix on roblox?

Maybe. Sometimes Roblox sells some gear for a couple of tix.

What games on roblox allows you to use gears?

the game will tell you but a lot of games allow you to use gear.

How do you make your own gear on roblox?

You can not make gear, but you can email the roblox people to make your own gear. (i told them to make a dance potion)

What was the first gear on roblox?

it was ROBLOX Classic Brigand's Sword

How do you get free gear on roblox?

You can't get free gear.