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Q: Is there a reference in the Old Testament to boys becoming a man as in the celebration of the Bar Mitzvah?
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What is the meaning of the bar mitzvah candle lighting ceremony?

a bar mitzvah is the celebration of a Jewish boy becoming a man. there for he lights candle's to show that. p.s im not Jewish my friend is.

Where did a bar bat mitzvah originate from?

They originated in Europe.

What does a Jewish a boy have to go through to show that he is now a man?

A Jewish boy becomes "bar mitzvah" at age 13 whether or not he participates in a bar mitzvah celebration. Becoming bar mitzvah means becoming old enough to be held personally responsible for performing the mitzvot (divine commandments). Parents are held responsible for their childrens' actions until the children come of age. In the Jewish tradition, that is age 13 for a boy. The celebration of a son becoming bar mitzvah typically involves a synagogue service where the boy participates as an adult, leading part or all of the service, and then a kiddush lunch or dinner to celebrate.

What ceremony does a Jewish boy have to go through to show that he is now a man.?

A Jewish boy becomes "bar mitzvah" at age 13 whether or not he participates in a bar mitzvah celebration. Becoming bar mitzvah means becoming old enough to be held personally responsible for performing the mitzvot (divine commandments). Parents are held responsible for their childrens' actions until the children come of age. In the Jewish tradition, that is age 13 for a boy. The celebration of a son becoming bar mitzvah typically involves a synagogue service where the boy participates as an adult, leading part or all of the service, and then a kiddush lunch or dinner to celebrate.

How long will a boy prepare for Bar Mitzvah?

Studying for a Bar Mitzvah celebration usually takes about a year.

Why do Jews have a ceremony about a bar and bat mitzvah?

The Bar Mitzvah is a Jewish ceremony that dates to the 13th century and confirms that a Jewish boy has come of age and should be seen as an adult in the community. The celebration of coming of age remains an important rite in Judaism.

What are the rules for a boy and girl bar or bat mitzvah?

A bar mitzvah celebration has no specific rules, but it celebrates a boy's becoming an adult. In the Jewish tradition, adults are responsible for the 613 mitzvot (variously translated commandments or laws) found in the Torah. The celebration usually follows the first religious service at which the boy, now a young man, participates in the service as an adult.

Who do you go to for a bar mitzvah slideshow?

You can ask a photographer or make it yourself using Word powerpoint. You can search Factoidz for "bar mitzvah" for more ways of making a bar mitzvah celebration special.

Who is the Bar Mitzvah ceremony for?

The key player in the Bar Mitzvah boy is the 13 year old Jewish boy, his family and friends are invited to join in the celebration. For more info on Bar Mitzvah check out

Can you have a bar mitzvah on yom kippur?

A Jewish male becomes a bar mitzvah on his 13th birthday, regardless of whether that day falls on a religious holiday. If the boy's 13th birthday falls on Yom Kippur, he can be one of the people called up to read from the Torah. What can't happen during Yom Kippur is the celebration that most North Americans associated with a boy becoming a bar mitzvah.

What happens after a bar mitzvah?

There is customarily a meal of celebration and gifts are given to the young man.

What do people that are Judaism do?

We have a special celebration when we turn 13 it's called a Bar mitzvah