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Q: Is there a risk of deformities if second cousins get married?
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How serious will a child's birth defects be if their parents are second cousins?

There wont be any. There's many who think being cousins will make you have birth defects but this is not the case. The research show that the risk to get a child with birth defects if you are first cousins is just as small as if you were not related at all. So for second cousins there is no risk. The families where marrying cousins is common and the kids do have birth defects is families who have practiced cousin marriage for generations. Not enough new DNA.

Are children born to cousins deformed?

The risk of birth defects and congenital diseases increases the more closely related the parents are. Deformities, such as polydactylism (many fingers or toes) would be even more common in pairings of siblings than of first cousins, but the risk, while elevated, is not huge and is definitely not a certainty. Many people have successfully had children with their first cousin. Charles Darwin married his first cousin, who bore him a number of children. The practice is discouraged in some communities, but not in others.

Why first cousins but not second cousins can marry?

First cousins can marry in many places because they are considered to have a close enough blood relationship that potential genetic risks or abnormalities can be assessed before marriage. However, second cousins have a more distant blood relationship, and the risk of genetic disorders decreases significantly, which is why they are generally allowed to marry.

Can second cousins have normal kids?

There's every likelihood that the children of first cousins will be "normal" but there is a somewhat increased risk that the children of two such close family members might have a genetic disease or birth defect. The increase in that risk is not huge unless the two first cousins are at the end of a long line of first and second cousin marriages.

Why cousin can't marry?

In some countries they can and it can also depend on whether you are first, second or third cousins etc. It's based on that they believe that the children of 2 cousins will be damaged due to the close biological relationship. Latest research show however that the risk for 2 cousins to have a damaged child is as small as 2 non-related people would. There are countries where this number is very high but they have then married cousins for centuries.

If second cousins marry and have children what are the risks?

It is completely safe, but your child will have all one type of blood which can cause your child to get sick more easily. This will only happen 5/100 chance and the thing is if you get it its not that bad. A child can get this even if his parents are not relatived at all, but they have a 1/100 chance of this.

Can you get married to your adopted cousin?

Depends on where you live bit in most countries you can marry a cousin adopted or not. If you are not first cousins but second, third etc it's rarely illegal. We know today that children of first cousins don't run a bigger risk of having damaged children, like siblings having children together, than if they were not related at all.

How Can you use inbreeding in a sentence?

Inbreeding can cause some risk such as blindness or joint deformities in animals.

If you have kids with your second cousin would they be mentally challenged?

Genetic Scientists have found that if second cousins marry then there is a much lower risk that any children they may have will not be mentally challenged or have any other birth defects.

Can a first cousin have children with a second cousin?

It depends on where you live whether it's legal or not but doctors have found that the risk is very small for getting damaged children between first cousins. The risks are greater in countries where people continue marrying and have children with first cousins but if it's not a custom there's usually no problem.

Is it illegal for first cousins to marry?

A second cousin is a third generation descendant after a common great grandparent, but not through your grandparent's line. Whether or not second cousins are prohibited from marrying each other depends ontheir religiontheir culturecivil law, i.e. the law of the land where they wish to get marriedRELIGION (Canon Law): In the Catholic Church for example, and prior to 1983, second cousins were prohibited from marrying each other. But now the prohibition extends only as far as first cousins.CIVIL LAW: No country legally prohibits marriages more distant than first cousin marriages.SOME REASONS for prohibitions against marrying close relatives:increases potential for multiplying risk of genetic defects in offspring of the unionclear commands in ancient sacred/holy writingsexplicit injunctions placed upon believers, in accordance with canon lawcultural abhorrence of marital arrangements between those known to be blood relatives of each other.FOR THE AVOIDANCE OF DOUBT it is best to check with (i) the civil marriage authorities, and (ii) the appropriate religious authority.To find out if marriage between second cousins is culturally unacceptable, talk about it to those of your culture, and you will soon find out!See 'Related links' below for more information about prohibited marriages.

Is it a risk to have children with your 5th cousin?

There is always a risk when having children. The mothers have a risk to their health, both parents risk stress and financial issues, and there is a risk that any child may have a birth defect. The risk of birth defect in the child of two fifth cousins is essentially the same as the risk for a child of "unrelated people." Consider that most of us do not know who our fourth or fifth cousins are and so may marry one without realizing it.