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St. Jessica is an accepted derivation of St. Joanna.

St. Joanna helped provide for the apostles and Jesus and was one of the women to discover the empty tomb after Jesus's resurrection.

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Q: Is there a saint named Jessica?
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Where did Saint Jessica live?

There is no documented saint named Jessica in Christian tradition. "Jessica" is a name of Hebrew origin that gained popularity in modern times.

What did saint Jessica do to become a saint?

Saint Jessica is not officially recognized as a saint in the Catholic Church. It is possible that there may be local traditions or legends about a saint named Jessica in certain regions, but she is not a formally recognized saint in the wider Christian tradition.

Where was Saint Jessica born?

Saint Jessica was born in Spain in the year 1542. Jessica and Jennifer are known for being two saints that are related to Saint Joanna.

When did Saint Jessica die?

There is no canonized saint named Jessica. Jessica is a modern derivative of the name Joan. St. Joan of Arc was burned alive on May 30, 1431, at Rouen, France.

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What catholic saint would the name Jessica be?

St. Jessica.

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St. Jessica

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Thgere is no saint named Jenny but there is a saint named Genevieve.

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There is no saint named Rae.

Is there a Saint named Jessica one of the three women in front of the tomb on Easter Sunday?

Yes and no. The name Jessica is actually a derivation of the name Joanna, the wife of Chuza, who was believed to be one of the women who went to the tomb to anoint Jesus's body with ointment and spices. Catholicism has canonised Johanna, changing her name to Saint Jessica. Her feats day is 24 May.