

Best Answer

Yes, there is. it is called poopanishkinos

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Q: Is there a samurai village left in japan with some people studying samurai and what is its name?
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Related questions

What percent of Japan are samurai's?

Samurai's no longer exist in Japan. People often practice the sword styles for special events, but there are no real Samurai left in Japan.

Is there a samurai village left in japan?

yea actually yesterday I saw a video about a village full of Samurai descendants and they had 400 year old armor and every thing and they mounted horse in their armor But they have no official recognition by the Japanese government, which the TRUE samurai had.

These people were members of the hereditary warrior class that existed in japan until the 1870's?


What affect did samurai have on japan?

No. Samurai where made to kill. Killing is never good and very rarely seen as help.Difrent veiwpointThe Samurai were primarily soldiers. When the defended Japan and the Japanese people they helped the people.

Is a samurai sword Japanese or Chinese?

Samurai were from Japan, and the samurai sword is from Japan.

Where was a samurai warrior's homeland?

The homeland of a samurai is Tokyo or Japan.

Where were the samurai located in Japan?

samurai were the military of pre-industrial japan

What are the nouns in The Samurai of Japan were powerful warriors?

samurai, Japan, and warriors. a noun is a person (samurai; warriors), place (Japan), or thing (ex: sword)

What did the Samurai where?

Did you mean what did the samurai do and where? Because, if yes, the samurai are warriors of Japan. They are no here anymore, but they played an important role in japan history. The samurai were warriors.

Why were the samurai hired?

The samurai were "hired" to defened Japan in antiant times.

What is the plot of the movie 'Seven Samurai'?

The plot of "Seven Samurai" is that there are seven lord-less samurai who band to together to defend a village from bandits. At the end of the movie the surviving samurai live with the villagers.

What is a samurai what does it do?

Samurai were famous warriors of old Japan.