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NO. Regardless of what state you reside in, it is a FEDERAL offense (USC, Title 18) for a convicted felon to ever own or possess a firearm or ammunition.

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Q: Is there a statute of limitations for an ex-felon possession of fire arms?
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What did the Strategic Arms Limitations Talks accomplish?

Strategic Arms Limitations Talks accomplished an agreement to end the cold war.

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Bearing Arms refers to the ability to control and operate weapons. In the 2nd amendment refers to the ability to have weapons with no abridgements to possession.

Army arms room weapon log?

Yes, all arms rooms maintain one. Whenever a weapon goes into that arms room or leaves it, the date, time, and who took possession of it is logged.

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Within its limitations, just as effective as modern arms.

What was the outcome of the first strategic arms limitations treaty?

SALT I froze deployment of two types of missiles.

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You will need to contact a lawyer for a correct and legal answer.

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what is likely the outcome on charges of possession of cocain, syntheic marijuana, and 2 stolen fire arms charges

Can a felon have a 50 cal air rifle in Oregon?

Check Federal Law, don't ask on here.Added: Read the federal criminal code from the following statute: 18 USC, Para: 921, paying particular attention to the dates of manufacture.Do NOT subscribe to the commonly made error of following the BATF definition of blackpowder arms, it does not apply to felons in possession.

Does the Second Amendment set specific limits Can limits be placed without changing the Constitution?

The second amendment of the US Constitution, or the right to bear arms, does not set limits arms in its current state. However, limits can be placed on the amendment which does place limitations that does not infringe on the right of the people to keep arms.