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Q: Is there a time when Plan B contraceptive tablets have failed?
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Can you use levonorgestrel and ethinylestradiol tablets at the time of periods?

i thought yes, because that is what's in the contraceptive pill which is taken during your period aswell.

When can you have a contraceptive implant fitted?

You can have the contraceptive implant inserted at any time you choose.

If you fail to plan will you plan to fail do you agree or disagree give reasons to support your answer?

I assume you are talking about the same instance- If I fail to plan my history project, then I planned to fail my history project" I do not agree- the way I look at this, if you have failed to plan, you must have already failed all together, because you cannot fail to plan until you have lost your ability to plan. This means you already had to do that "history project" on the last day, which means you failed to plan. You did not however, plan to fail, and if you did that was a conscious choice you made, and you are a complete and total idiot. In essence, unless you had reason to fail, wanted to fail, and planned on failing ahead of time, you did not plan to fail JUST BECAUSE you failed to plan. This is a very situational and very opinion based question... there is no definitive answer.

Why was it a problem that the galipolli plan failed?

to many people took there time taking poo's in the toilet which meant the screwed it up.

When is the right time to put copper T as a contraceptive. is it during monthly periods?

when is the right time to put copper t as a contraceptive, is it during monthly periods

What does 'Failed to meet a deadline' mean?

It simply means that there was a deadline for something to be done, i.e., payments, reports, a plan, dinner, anything that is supposed to be concluded by a particular target time. If you don't have whatever done by the target time, you have "failed to meet a deadline"

Can you expunge a failed drug test?

You can buy tablets or drink you can use a day before and gets everything out of your system just finish it all and drink lots of water and pee heaps for next time, but to answer is no

Can you play games on tablets?

For the last time can u play games on the tablets

Can you get the jadelle removed anytime?

Yes, you can get the contraceptive implant removed at any time.

Tell us about a time when you failed to?

I have not failed yet!!!!!

Can you get the contraceptive implant straight away at the doctors?

Some doctors don't keep the contraceptive implant in stock. Your local family planning office will typically insert the implant any time you choose.

Do dishwasher tablets dissolve in water?

Yes. Dishwasher Tablets do dissolve in water, but they take a bit of time.