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No there isn't. The alveoli (air sack) consist of an epithelial layer and extracellular matrix surrounded by capillaries.

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Q: Is there a valves wall of each air sac in the lung?
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What is pnuemothorax?

the presence of air or gas in the cavity between the lungs and the chest wall, causing collapse of the lung

What is pneumothorax-?

Air in the chest (Thorax) causes the lung to collapse. This can be spontaneous or after chest injuries

What has 4 or 5 air sacs attached to each lung?

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What is the anatomy of pneumothorax?

A pneumothorax (a term for collapsed lung) occurs when air leaks into the space between your lungs and chest wall, creating pressure against the lung.

What is phenumothorax?

Literally "air in the thorax", or air in the chest (where it shouldn't be) When air leaks anywhere in the space between your lung and chest wall (normally filled with slippery fluid) it increases the pressure around your lung, and pushes on your lung. This leads to your lung collapsing in on itself, because the pressure required for it to inflate is much smaller than the one keeping it deflated. Usually, you only get a fraction of your lung truly collapsed.

What animal has four or five air sacs attached to each lung?


What is the purpose of the Pleura?

This membrane protect the lining of the chest from rubbing against the lungs walls

How can PFT help distinguish whether a lung disease is obstructive restrictive or both?

In obstructive lung disease airways are narrowed which results in resistance to air flow during breathing. In restrictive lung disease, expansion of the lung is limited by disease that affects the chest wall, pleura, or lung tissue itself.

How can PFTs help to distinguish whether a lung disease is obstructive restrictive or both?

In obstructive lung disease airways are narrowed which results in resistance to air flow during breathing. In restrictive lung disease, expansion of the lung is limited by disease that affects the chest wall, pleura, or lung tissue itself.

Does the primary bronchi carry air toward each lung?

Yes a primary bronchus carries air toward each lung. After reaching the lungs, the primary bronchi branch off into secondary bronchi which carry the air to the lobes of the lungs, three on the right and two on the left.

How do chest tubes work to fix a collapsed lung?

I am not in the medical field. But if a lung collapses it means that there is air getting between the lung and the chest cavity creating pressure against the lung. A tube placed in the chest wall will relieve the pressure there. When the lung fills with air it pushes the air out of the tube. Then you can block the tube to give the chest cavity back the slight vacuum it had before. That is why your chest expands when you breate in. I hope this is right and I am not stepping on any toes out there.

A collection of air or gas outside the lung and the chest wall?

You may be referring to a pneumothorax. This is a collection of air in the pleural cavity (between the lung and the chest wall). Symptoms include: pain and shortness of breath (dyspnea). In severe cases, if left untreated it can lead to cardiac arrest, but sometimes small spontaneous ruptures can heal themselves without treatment.