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Q: Is there a watchdog in Canada to protect private pensions of employees?
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What was true about the 1892 Homestead strike?

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Why should you Insure and bond employees?

There are many reasons why you Insure and bond employees. This will not only protect them in the line of duty but also protect your clients in case your employees damage their properties of steal from them.

What reflects a supervisors responsibility to protect employee rights and?

The managers are supposed to protect their employees. This is a loyalty that can help keep the business running smoothly and employees working hard.

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Every business should have security equipment installed to protect the employees and to stop theft.

Which was true about the 1892 homestead strike?

Why employment laws exists?

To protect the best interests of employees and employers

Why does employment law exist?

To protect the best interests of employees and employers

What is a private army in the Philippines?

some local politicians have their own private army to protect sort of warlord.

How did the national labor ACT protect workers?

National Labor Act was formed in 1935,the provisions of this act governs the relationship among employers,employee and their labor unions in private sector.The act also established National Labor Relations Board which is an independent federal agency. This act is to protect the ability of employees to organize themselves freely and to undertake other activities designed to protect and advance their status.

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The Health and Safety at Work Act is UK legislation intended to protect employees in the course of their work.

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