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Not really, no. They use the x-rays along with the cobb angle method to evaluate curves.

When assessing a curve the apical vertebra is first identified; this is the most likely displaced and rotated vertebra with the least tilted end plate.

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Q: Is there a way to determine the degree of Scoliosis curvature without the use of x rays?
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Is scoliosis serious?

Yes it is serious, but not generally life threatening. it depends on the type of curve and degree of curvature. scoliosis can put pressure and the heart and lungs which, if not treated can cause serious problems.

How serious is scoliosis?

It all depends on the degree of your curve, I had around an 85 degree curve, and had to have surgery. but it could be smaller, and you wouldn't have to do anything about it.

Is It Bad To Have Scoliosis?

It depends on the degree (amount of curvature) that you have. People with mild curvatures that do not effect the functionn of the spine can lead healthy active lives.

Can Scoliosis hinder development of normal Puberty?

It does not hinder normal Puberty. Scoliosis affects approximately 10% of all adolescents. If you suspect your child has a curvature of the spine whilst still in Puberty you should seek medical advice from a doctor. If your adolescent has a degree of 30% curvature then seek medical advice also.

What is a 30 degree levoscoliotic curvature of the lumbar spine centered at the L2-3 level?

It's a type of scoliosis where the spine curves to the left. Usually non-threatning.

How does scoliosis affect your body?

It depends on how severe the curvature (what DEGREE) is. It can give you back pain, cause your hips to look "crooked", & sometimes your back goes numb (I only speak from personal experience here).

What is mild dextroscoliosis of the spine?

it's a side to side curvature of the spine. Description:When viewed from the rear, the spine usually appears perfectly straight. Scoliosis is a lateral (side-to-side) curve in the spine, usually combined with a rotation of the vertebrae. (The lateral curvature of scoliosis should not be confused with the normal set of front-to-back spinal curves visible from the side.) While a small degree of lateral curvature does not cause any medical problems, larger curves can cause postural imbalance and lead to muscle fatigue and pain. More severe scoliosis can interfere with breathing and lead to arthritis of the spine (spondylosis). Approximately 10% of all adolescents have some degree of scoliosis, though fewer than 1% have curves which require medical attention beyond monitoring. Scoliosis is found in both boys and girls, but a girl's spinal curve is much more likely to progress than a boy's. Girls require scoliosis treatment about five times as often. The reason for these differences is not known.

When the degree of curve of a spine with scoliosis is 40 degrees or more what is indicated?

Curves of 40 degrees or more are highly likely to worsen, even in an adult, because the spine is so badly imbalanced that the force of gravity will increase the curvature.

Can you join the navy if you have scoliossis?

Medical disqualification depends entirely on the degree of curvature. The disqualification standard reads that cause for rejection concerning spinal issues includes: There is lumbar scoliosis greater than 20 degrees, thoracic scoliosis greater than 30 degrees, and kyphosis or lordosis greater than 55 degrees when measured by the Cobb method.

Is a 40 degree curvature of spine severe?


Is Scoliosis a Mild Disability?

It depends on how severe it is. In cases where the curvature of the spine is minimal, it can have a very limited impact on a person's health. In more severe cases it can impact breathing and cause other problems as well.

Does 45 degree scoliosis effect lung capacity?

When curvature is severe and located in the thoracic and cervical regions, scoliosis can impinge on the space that houses the heart and lungs. In severe cases, lung or heart capacity can be compromised, causing shortness of breath or heart problems, thereby necessitating more aggressive treatment. When scoliosis deforms the ribs, this can cause similar problems. In very severe cases, patients with diminished lung capacity must use supplemental oxygen.