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The only way to permanently stop your period is to have a hysterectomy, which involves removal of the uterus. However, a doctor will not do this unless they have cause (like cancer of the uterus or rupture during pregnancy, labor or c-section). The chances of getting a hysterectomy are very low. There are birth control options with will stop or dramatically decrease your period. Depo provera is one option. It is a shot given 4 times a year and, for many women, it stops your period. There are also pills which, if taken correctly, can allow you only 4 periods a year. These all can be discussed with your dr. I must add though that, if you plan on having kids in the future, I highly advise that you do not stop your period. Your monthly cycle keeps you healthy. I also must add, despite what the previous answer written here was - getting your tubes tied does not stop your period and it does not stop menopause. I believe removal of your ovaries would actually put you into early menopause, stopping your periods but that comes with risks. No matter what you decide, know that stopping your period will increase your chances of osteoporosis. So, if you are still growing, just tough it out for a while.

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8y ago

There are a few difficult methods for stopping your period permanently, and others available to stop your period on a long-term, reversible basis. Because of the health and financial costs of the permanent methods, they are not offered to patients unless the benefit outweighs the risk. Given the number of reliable temporary methods, the risks of the permanent methods are not normally worth the benefits.

Periods can be stopped by changing the hormonal environment, such as removing the ovaries (permanent) or using hormonal Birth Control in a continuous cycle (long-term reversible). The long-term risk to health from removing the ovaries in terms of bone and heart health mean that it is not used for this purpose unless there are other health dangers presented by the ovaries. In contrast, the use of continuous-cycle hormonal birth control in the form of the birth control pill, patch, ring, shot, implant, or hormonal IUD provides long-term cycle control for many women. Even minors have the right to request and consent to long-term hormonal birth control, so this option is widely available. Free and sliding-scale services are available.

Hormone-blocking treatment is also used at times, but, like removing the ovaries, it can lead to other severe health complications. Like surgery, it is only used when the health benefits outweigh the health risks.

The hormone realignment therapy used by some transgender men stops menstruation. These patients may or may not elect to have other surgery to the reproductive tract. In some states, minors can consent to this treatment. The hormones used can both stop menstruation, and lower some of the health risks that could occur if only hormone blockers or removal of the ovaries were used.

Removing the uterus is another permanent option (hysterectomy), but is not favored for elective menstrual control because of surgical risks.

Destruction of the lining of the uterus (endometrial ablation) is sometimes used, particularly for women near the age of menopause with severe period problems, but the outcome is unpredictable, and some women's periods continue in spite of treatment.

Anyone who is troubled by their menstrual period should discuss their concerns with a sympathetic health care provider. There are many options from which you can choose, based on your situation. If your primary care provider is not able to discuss this matter with you, see a gynecologist, hormone specialist, or family planning center.

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9y ago

The only way to end your period forever is to remove your uterus. A hysterectomy removes the uterus, thus stopping menstruation, but of course this means that you can no longer get pregnant.

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No, antibiotics definitely cannot stop your period. The only known possible way to do is is by taking contraceptive pills, or getting a hysterectomy

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