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Hydrocortisone cream is not a sensible choice to assist in wound healing. Instead, keep the lesions covered and use a mild soap. Make sure you're eating well, and avoid sun exposure.

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Q: Is there a way to shorten healing time of molluscum lesions after cryotherapy and is hydrocortizone cream effective?
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How does molluscum look when healing?

Molluscum if it is allowed to go its course or is cured with a natural product like apple cider vinegar or clove oil often shows post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (darker spots) where the molluscum lesions grew. This hyperpigmentation will fade with time. If on the other hand the molluscum is cut out then it can scar.

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Hi my 6 year old daughter has Molluscum and I are at your wits end trying to find something that works So going to try the ACV baths Just wanted to know it will burn in other areas Tks Nicky?

Molluscum will go away on its own within 12 months or so. Apple cider vinegar does not change the healing time.

What aftercare is required with cryotherapy for cataracts?

Eyedrops or pills may be given to help healing and to control pressure inside the eye.asked to wear an eye shield or eyeglasses to help protect the told to avoid rubbing or pressing the eye.and to not lift heavy objects

Does apple cider cure molluscum contagiosum?

It is never that simple. That said I applied it directly just to the spots and it killed them quickly. First, the mature molluscum contagious spots might swell slightly, but they will then get a small scab in the center and fade away. I tried the apple cider vinegar first. It would not get all the spots and it seemed to allow it to spread. The one spot I tried would be gone, but 4 more would show up where to cotton swab had touched. Also, it hurt and left but scabs that might scar. The most common treatments for molluscum contagiosum are astringent chemicals, surgery, and dye lasers.

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