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Q: Is there always water in a rainforest's?
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What you get from rainforests?

the water

Are Tropical rainforests always green?


How hot do the rainforests get?

its always cold kumbskulls

How do people use the Daintree Rainforest?

All tropical rainforests are home to tribal peoples who always rely on their surroundings for food and water.

Why is the rainforests wet?

the rainforest is wet because it always rains

Why is the equator important to rainforests?

it needs water

Are all rainforests near the water?

Yes <><

How does the water cycle relates to the forests?

Rainforests play a large part in regulating the water cycle. Rainforests help through the process of transpiration, which is the release of water from a plant's leaves during photosynthesis.

Does rainforests only have one season?

Yes because most rainforests are located on the equator and the sun always shines on the equator, it never goes away.

Why do tropical rainforests grow where they grow?

Most of the rainforests in the world are along the equator. This is because it is so hot there, and all the water gets evaporated and condenses in that area, creating precipitation, and lots of it! This equals to the ground becoming very wet and the air hot. This type of climate is the perfect type for foliage which is why the rainforests are there, the rain is always constant, and the rainforest floor is forever marsh, wet, or flooded.

How do orchids adapt to the tropical rainforests?

they adapt by having to have lots of water

In what rainforests do Bengal Tigers live?

They adapt to almost any and they love water