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Q: Is there an animal called injury?
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Related questions

An acute injury to a tendon is called?

A strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon. A sprain is an injury to a ligament.

Can you sue for animal injury?

Animals are legally considered property. However, if your animal has been injured due to the negligence of another person, you have the right to sue the person who caused the injury to your animal. You may also sue for loss of use if the animal had a particular use (guide dog, dairy cow, etc). A personal injury attorney in your state can tell you your rights based on your state's laws.

Is there an animal called a Lema?

No, there is not an such an animal called a lema. There is an animal that is called a llama.

What is a mark from an injury called?

a scar

What injury to a muscle is called a.?


What are two ways species can be introduced to an ecosystem?

Two ways new species can be introduced to an ecosystem is by being endangered and having an injury. If an animal is endangered or has an injury it is allowed to be taken to a wild animal place that they hold if the animal is injured abandoned and endangered or has an disease or illness

Injury to the body of the muscle or attachment of the tendon?

An injury to a muscle or a tendon is called a strain.

Is bullfighting animal cruelty?

yes because the animal sustains injury by first the animal is pierced with sharp objects to anger the animal then forced to confront a human and controlled by pain tactics.

What is a closed issue injury soft tissue injury characterized by swelling and ecchymosis called?


A bruiselike injury of the brain is called?

A concussion.

What is it called when a doctor caused injury?


A zone of tissue injury is called?

a lesion