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Depends on the crime charged. For offenses not punishable by imprisonment the defendant is often released on their own recognizance. Generally if it's something more serious than a fine, if there's a belief the defendant will not show up they might not be able to get bail.

Say a guy's been arrested for, oh, something not too serious, like public urination, (which has say, a few days in jail) but has been arrested and was let out on bail and didn't show up, then got a bench warrant, if they were later arrested for the same thing or something else having possible jail time, the court might decide the defendant wouldn't show up again and wouldn't issue bail.

Most certainly they would not have a right to bail if they didn't show up a second or third time, the court would consider its patience tried and would order the defendant remanded until trial.

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Q: Is there an states with an absolute right for a defendant to have bail?
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Related questions

What is the Right to bail?

The right to bail is the legal principle that allows individuals accused of a crime to be released from custody while awaiting trial, under certain conditions. Bail is set by a judge and serves as a form of security to ensure that the accused will return for their court appearances.

What is a principal in Bail Bonding?

In bail bonding, the principle is the defendant for whom the bail is posted.

Can a defendant be held without bail after arraignment?

Yes a defendant can be held without bail at any time if the court deems the defendant to be a substantial flight risk or a danger to the community.

If a bail bond is exonerated do you get a refund from the bail company where you posted bail with?

Exoneration of a bail bond simply means that the defendant has been adjudicated and the bail liability has been released from the bail bond agent.When a bail bond is posted and a fee is charged by the bail agent that fee is non-refundable no matter if the charges are never filed, the defendant gets parole revoked and put back into custody, or the defendant is adjudicated.

Is there a constitutional right to bail?

No. under UK legislation there is no right to bail, there is however, a presumption in favor of bail.

What are the two primary purpose of bail?

The main purpose of bail is to ensure the presence of the defendant in future court proceedings. Also, there is a risk that defendants may pose danger to the community if they are not detained prior to trial.

Are all accused people entitled to bail?

No, the are situations where bail will not be permitted. For example:Many states the charge of murder is not eligible for bail.Often if a person is on probation or parole they are not eligible to post a bail bond.The defendant can be deemed to be substantial risk to public safety

What is the name of the one who seeks bail for the defendant?

The bailor.

Which is a judge most likely to do when concerned that a defendant will commit another serious crime if released on bail?

have the defendant held without the option of bail

Can you get bail in the United States if you've been charged with murder?

The answer varies from state to state. Some states permit bail for murder, others do not. There are other states (such as Indiana) where murder is presumed not to be bailable unless the defendant can prove a strong likelihood of being found not guilty.

What happens to the bond depositor if the defendant fails to appear to their court date?

Because the bond (or bail) was accepted as surety that the defendant WOULD appear in court - if the defendant fails to appear, the bond (or bail) is forfeited and seized by the court.

How does bail protect a defendant?

Bail just keeps the defendent out of prison until it is the day of their court trial.