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Hiya! Yes there is. You need to have a Quantitative blood pregnancy test done. You have to see your doctor for this test and it can be done 5 days after conception has taken place.

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How do i tell if i am pregnant?

The only way to be sure that you are pregnant is to take a pregnancy test and they are not 100 percent positive. The doctor has the best way of telling.

How teen pregnancy can be improved?

Teen pregnancy can be improved my spreading awareness. Telling your friends about how to have safe sex is a great way to prevent teen pregnancy. Knowing the facts about sex and how to not get pregnant.

When can you find out the day you fell pregnant?

There is no way of telling what exact day you fell pregnant. From intercourse it can take up to 3 days for the egg to get fertilized and then another week until it has implanted itself in the uterus wall. 2 weeks after sex you can get a result on the pregnancy test.

Can your nose become bigger when your just two weeks pregnant?

No. Nothing about sex or pregnancy (or telling lies!) can cause your nose to grow.

What does it mean when you take three pregnancy test in a dream and they are all positive?

It's telling you that you're pregnant. I've had dreams similar to that.

I had two test that showed i was pregnant. but now they are telling me i may not be?

yes, you have to see your practitioner to establish pregnancy. pregnancy tests only measures your hcg level but it doesn't tell if your pregnancy is intrauterine. There are so-called ectopic pregnancies and it's not determined by home pt's.

How do you know your girlfriend preagent?

Have her take a pregnancy test or two. Also, if she misses a period or if she smells/tastes different "down there", she might be pregnant, although those aren't very reliable signs of pregnancy. Good luck telling her parents, you fox.

How pregnant do you have to be before telling the doctor?

You have to be at least 2 weeks pregnant.

Why is my boyfriend obsessed with pregnancy?

There is no telling if he is more interested in sex and using pregnancy as a lure for you or if he just wants to get pregnant with you. In this case, make sure your birth control method is taken care of by you, so that you have time to sort this out. A baby is quite a responsibility to take on with a boyfriend.

You took two pregnancy test and both say positive and lately you been having mild pain in your lower stomach could this be an infection or your pregnant and you not really late yet with your period?

If you had two positive pregnancy tests, then you are more than likely pregnant. Your body produces a hormone when you are pregnant that is only present during pregnancy thus showing positive tests. You should see your doctor about the pain, you could have something else going on. Pain is the body's way of telling you something isn't right and it shouldn't be ignored especially if you are pregnant. You are probably pregnant. On rare occasions you can encounter a false positive due to improper testing, expired pregnancy tests, rare medical conditions such as certain types of cancer, evaporation lines, a recent pregnancy or a chemical pregnancy.

Can you have open heart surgery while being pregnant?

It very much depends on the surgery. In general, elective surgery should not be done during a pregnancy. Emergency surgery, such as appendicits, gall bladder attack, trauma such as in a car accident or a broken bone, sometimes needs to be done inspite of a pregnancy. If you are pregnant and are contemplating elective surgery, certainly your doctor needs to know that you are pregnant. Do not go into any surgery knowing you are pregnant without telling your surgeon.

Does the line on your stomach mean your having a boy?

no the line is just telling you that your hormones are changing some people dont even have the line in the middle.