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Q: Is there any DNA difference in Sephardi and Ashkenazim Jews?
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Where have sephardic jews live?

Originally from Spain, the term 'Sephardi' comes from the ancient Jewish name for Spain which was 'Sepharad'. Today, Spanish Jews are not the only ones considered Sephardi, Portugese, Italian, and Moroccan Jews are also considered so.

What are judaism's religious groups?

First of all, it should be stressed that all Jews have the same Torah. Jews may be classed according to lifestyle, geography, or outlook. Lifestyle: there are Jews who are more stringent (Orthodox) or less stringent (Conservative, Reform) in their observance of the Torah's commands. Geography: there are Ashkenazi (Western) Jews and Sephardi/Mizrahi (Eastern) Jews. Ashkenazim lived in Europe, while Sephardim lived in pre-expulsion Spain and North Africa. (There are others too, such as Yemeni, Romaniote, and Persian Jews, but the above are the largest groups.) All Jews are interrelated and originate in the Middle East, as shown by DNA analyses. Outlook: among the religious Jewish communities, there are the Yeshiva community, Hassidim, and Modern Orthodox. (Hassidim are the ones who wear long frock-coats.)

What DNA would Jesus have had?

A:Geneticists look at Jewish DNA and ancestry in terms of the following groups: Ashkenazim, who are Jews with a recent ancestry in central and Eastern Europe; Sephardim with an ancestry in Iberia, followed by exile after 1492; Mizrahim, who have always resided in the Near East; and North African Jews, comprising both Sephardim and Mizrahim. As a first-century Palestinian Jew, Jesus would have had DNA corresponding closely to Mizrahim.

Are most jews european?

Most Jews are Ashkenazim, Jews historically from Europe. (Israel is split roughly 50/50 between Ashkenazim and Sephardim, but the remaining global community is predominantly Ashkenazi.) However, most Jews are Semites, not Caucasoids as Europeans are.

Why did the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews develop different rituals and cultures?

distanceAnswer 2Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews all have the same beliefs, the same Hebrew Bible, the same Torah-commands, and the same Talmud. It is only in the smallest details of Jewish law that there are some differences. These are due to the slightly different rulings of the various community rabbis over the ages. Other contrasts, such as in pronunciation and mode of dress, are entirely unimportant and can be ascribed to the differences in the surrounding countries.

Who are the Jews of Mediterranean origin?

Jews who's ancestry includes those who were once part of the Jewish communities of Muslim Spain (where Jews were expelled from by then Catholic Spain in 1492 on Tish b'Av), North Africa and much of the Arab world are known as Sephardim. Their common language was/is Ladino--something like old Spanish written with Hebrew characters. The language and the music of Sephardim sounds a lot like Arabic.Jews who are descendants of those living in Christian Europe (Germany, Hungary, Poland, Russia, etc.) are known as Ashkenazim. They spoke Yiddish, a mix of those languages, written in Hebrew characters. Yiddish can often be understood with an understanding of German.Genetically, both of these Jewish groups are related although they may look a lot different and have different cultural backgrounds. DNA studies done on Cohens, both Ashkenazi and Sephardi, match. (Read about it online.)

What is the difference in appearance from the normal type of the DNA?

Difference in appearance form the normal type of the DNA?

Difference between the DNA and RNA?

the difference is that DNA is a double helix and RNA is a single chain

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Ashkenazi are Jews from where?

it is believed that Ashkenazi Jews migrated from the areas of mesopotamia and palestine. little is known about exact whereabouts because of antisemites destroying records.Science: recently, worldwide DNA analyses have confirmed that today's Jews are related to each other and originated in the Middle East. A 2013 study of Ashkenazi mitochondrial DNA confirmed this.In 2000, the analysis of a report by Nicholas Wade "provided genetic witness that Jewish communities have, to a remarkable extent, retained their biological identity separate from their host populations, showing relatively little intermarriage or conversion into Judaism over the centuries. The results accord with Jewish history and tradition and refute theories which would allege that Jewish communities consist mostly of converts."

What is the difference between european jews and middle eastern jews?

As shown by DNA studies, all Jewish communities come from the Middle East originally. Later, during the Middle Ages the Sephardim were in the Mediterranean area (Spain, North Africa) and points east of it, while the Ashkenazim were to the north in France, Germany, Russia and Eastern Europe. This variety of locales has led to some differences in customs, but not in the Torah-laws themselves.See also:Why_did_the_Diaspora_begin

What is the difference between coding DNA and junk DNA?

Junk DNA is non-coding DNA it does not code for protein.