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well you just go to 24 carrot.Go into the cafe go to the drinking place pick your fav colour find it in the drinking place and hey pronto!You"ve got a new colour of your hair!!

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Q: Is there any correlation between hair changing color prior to a stroke?
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Is 4264 a positive correlation?

No, it is an integer number. Correlations happen among various different things. A non-zero correlation means that the things interact or depend on each other. A zero correlation means they don't. Examples: There is a positive correlation between how much you eat and how much you weigh. There is a zero correlation between the color of your car and its gas mileage. There is a positive correlation between how far the volume control is turned up and the sound pressure level that you hear. There is a negative correlation between the air temperature and the sales of sweaters.

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By their color, primarily. There is a very strong correlation between the stars color and it's temperature.

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There would be no definite correlation. It would just be a random correlation that would be all over the graph because there is no trend in hair color and weight. Your weight doesn't determine your hair color.

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I am unaware of any study which shows, or even purports to show, any kind of correlation between hair color and intelligence.

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does add color to water tell about changing matter without changing its shape

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