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It depends on where the turtle originated from, if it lives in the South, South East or South West than it is dangerous, but if you live in Minnesota, Wisconsin, any other northern state or Canada than it would be better, but not completely good, you need to keep it about 60-70 degrees.

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Q: Is there any harm to turtles if the water in the tank is 50 degree or lower?
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Most box turtles eat worms and small insects... It really depends on the species of box turtle.... Most box turtles do not eat fish because they don't live in the water and being in water too long can harm their health.

Do turtles like to live in water?

Actualy, some species of box turtles, such as the three-toed box turtle are quite fond of water and like to swim regularly. The should be given a pool of water the is deep enough for them to get a good swim and they should be able to get into and our of it easily. The water must be kept clean as it can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Tap water is fine to use. Turtles are not fish, so the levels of chlorine in the water in their swimming pool would not be high enough to harm them.

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