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Q: Is there any idioms related to bullying?
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Where might you see idioms written?

Idioms are everywhere. If you want a list of them, click the related question below.

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What is a serious case of Bullying?

Have a look at the related links for a list of serious cases of Bullying.

Are there any other languages that have idioms equivalent to English idioms?

Yes, many languages have idioms that convey similar meanings to English idioms. For example, in Spanish, there is an idiom "costar un ojo de la cara" which translates to "to cost an arm and a leg" in English, both expressing an idea of something being very expensive. Similarly, in French, "avoir du pain sur la planche" means "to have a lot on one's plate," similar to the English idiom.

What are the precise words that make up any idioms?

There are no precise words. Idioms are just phrases that catch on.

How is bullying related to child expression?

child expression is related to bullying as the child shows his expression by trobuling his youngers and he is expressing his feelings and that is a bad thing

What is the history of idioms?

idioms in general have no specific date in which they became in use, rather, one or two were in use from various areas of society- the Bible for one, then other idioms were found and put to use. origins of individual idioms can often be traced back to dates,

Which websites help with cyber bullying?

Any anti-bullying website will help with cyber bullying.

What are the constitutional issues related to the internet?

Cyber bullying