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no, but you need to get it modified

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Q: Is there any organizations that will help pay child support when you are unemployed?
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Can Oprah help my son with his back child support because he is unemployed?

Either her or Obama should be able to.

How can you find help with your child maintenance?

You can find help by arranging child maintenance yourself or through child support agency(CSA) or child maintenance service. These organizations will help you to work out how much should be paid which they will also help you to collect the payment.

How does someone get support for child when the parent who is supposed to pay is unemployed?

They still have to pay, just a reduced amount, but they may not know they can get free legal help in doing so. see link

Your niece lives with you but you are not her legal guardian can you help her sue her father for child support she is 15 and wants me to help her?

If you are their legal guardian, you can collect child support from both parents of the child. If you are not their legal guardian and they just live with you, you do not have rights to child support.

When a child is a part time student do you still have to pay child support?

If you are supposed to pay child support, the fact that the child is earning money from two jobs, has nothing to do with child support. Child support is paid to the person looking after the child to help support your child!

Can child support agency file child support on a party?

Yes they can. They can because if a child falls off something no one will be there to help.

Which organizations offer support for people with social anxiety?

Some of the organizations that offer support for people with social anxiety include Social Anxiety Support, Social Phobia, Anxiety and Depression Association of America and many more. These organizations offer help to people with social anxiety.

How can you get help with your child support arrears in South Carolina?

What kind of help?

What are some organizations that can help a family cope with a child's disorder with albinism?

NOAH, man.

How long does a father have if not paying child support before he loses his parental rights in CA?

That is dependent on the reasons for non-payment. In this economy where most fathers are unemployed, this is not uncommon. Added to that is the states not informing obligors that there is free help to modify an order. However, child support is not the primary issue here. Children growing up fatherless cost society hundreds of times more than the total amount of child support ever paid or owed.

Can you file for child support if the father works overseas?

Yes. Your State's child support agency should be able to help you with this.

What do I need to do to claim child support benefit?

Child support benefits can obtained going through your local Department of Human Resources. They will help you receive child support from your children's father.