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Q: Is there any place in Switzerland that doesn't get snow?
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What other kind of Deserts are there?

the defintion of desert is a place where there is barely any rain it doesnt have to be sandy it can have snow because it doesnt rain like antartica look it up

Does it snow in any french speaking countries?

Definitely. Canada gets a lot of snow in the winter. France and Switzerland also get snow, especially in the mountains.

What are some omnivores in Switzerland?

no there is not any omnivores in Switzerland all the omnivors have gone to a different place or have died

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How do you collect snow on minecraft?

You collect snow by using any type of shovel on it. If you ust want to get rid of the snow you can place a torch, lava, or glowstone by the snow and it will melt it but you won't get nothing in return.

What bay is in Switzerland?

There are no bays in Switzerland. Switzerland does not border on any ocean.

Are there any deserts in Switzerland?

There are no deserts in Switzerland.

Are there any cities named Switzerland?

No, Switzerland is a country.

What is the English name for a souvenir that's like glass filled with water and snow like things and any famous place in a country?

a snow globe

How do you stop snow in minecraft?

CheeseLord99: You don't make snow, but you can dig it up with any shovel in a snowy biome. 4 snow in a square makes a snow block, and build 2 snow blocks with a pumpkin on top for a snow golem that makes more snow. cade0211: SNOW - snow layers are found in snow biomes. these snow layers can be dug with any type of shovel, and a shovel only. for each snow layer shoveled, you will get a snowball. place four of the snowballs in the crafting grid in a square and creates 1 snow block. SNOW GOLEMS (1.8+) - to make a snow golem you will need 2 snow blocks and a pumpkin. place a snow block on the ground above that place the 2nd snow block and on top of that place the pumpkin and a snow golem will instantly appear.

What weather do you need to get avalanches?

it doesnt matter. avallanches can happen at any time. (u need snow though). they are caused when one of the layers( the bottom layer or weak layer) gives way and all of the snow on top of it crashes.

Why did the cat grow wings?

because of some extra skin that doesnt have any place to go when it was a kitten.