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Q: Is there any positive end in voltmeter?
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What is the voltmeter reading this time?

positive terminal

Why connect positive end of battery with positive end of voltmeter?

The leads of the voltmeter are labeled that way to get a positive readout when you connect the positive lead to the positive terminal of the battery (and negative to negative). Digital Voltmeters will read negative voltage if connected backwards. Voltmeters with a needle, would have the current flowing in such a way that the needle would try to deflect 'below zero' because the needle windings are designed for the current to flow in one direction, to cause positive deflection of the needle.

What happens if you accidentally connect the positive lead of a voltmeter to the negative terminal of a 1.5 volt battery and the negative lead to the positive terminal?

Voltmeter will give you opposite readings or will not work at all.

Is ther a negative and a positive probe in a voltmeter?

Yes, the black probe is the negative one (kathode) and the red probe is the positive one (anode)

How do you connect and measure voltage using a voltmeter?

with a voltomiter

Which voltmeter will used for measuring 50kv dc?

Any standard voltmeter but however the voltage to be measured must be stepped down to a safe value using a Potential transformer.

A digital voltmeter is connected to the poles of a 4.5 v-batterywhat will be the display of this voltmeter if the connection was made with a wrong polarity?

It will still be 4.5V except your meter will either indicate "-" for negative or normally no indication at all for positive. If your meter indicates both negative and positive, you will see "+".

Basic difference bet ac and dc?

If you measure the Instantaneous Volyage using a Voltmeter the1. DC the Voltmeter reading will remain constant it will not change.2. AC the voltage will vary from positive to negative . The variation can be sine wavw, Square wave, triangular wave or any other type.

What causes an error in reading a voltmeter?

It could be when the positive wire is plugged in the negative slot and the negative wire is plugged in the positive slot. This can make the readings negative.

What measures how strong a battery or any other power source is?


Does the positive end of a battery go to the positive or negative end of the terminal?

The positive end of a battery goes to the positive end of the terminal. In retro spec, the negative end of a battery goes to the negative end of the terminal.

Does a magnet repel its same type?

Positive end to positive end = repel Negative end to negative end = repel Negative end to positive end = attract