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Usually not the first pregnancy, but if the baby is rh positive, during birth some of the baby's blood may cross into the mother's bloodstream and then she will be sensitized and will produce anti-rh antibodies, which could harm the second baby if it is rh positive. There is an injection that is given to rh negative mothers during pregnancy to prevent this reaction.

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Q: Is there any problem in pregnancy if mother is O- and father is O plus?
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Mother o plus father a- any problem for baby?

Nope. Generally there may be problems only if mother is negative and the father is positive. The antibodies to A/B blood types are too large to pass through the placenta and so cannot hurt the baby.

What would be the blood type of the child if the mother is B plus and the father is A plus?

ab+ a+ b+

You have type O plus why does your father have O negative?

there is no problem with that, your Rh+ comes from your mother :) ur father genotype is Rh-Rh- your mother should be Rh+Rh+ or Rh+Rh- so you took one Rh- from your father and one Rh+ from your mother the result will be Rh+Rh- and because the +ve propriety is more dominant your blood type will be +ve even if you have the mix of Rh+Rh-

Can b plus father and o plus mother get healthy baby?

Yes. That pair have no blood type incompatibilities.

I am 32year male ab plus bloodgroup can i marry 35year female o blood grup if yes can any problem in pregnancy?

There should not be a problem during pregnancy because of a difference in blood type.

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Is there any problem to child if mother is AB plus ve and father is O plus plus ve?

Not a problem concerning Haemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN), the mum would have to be rh negative for that to be a potential issue.

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Can O plus mother and B plus father can give A plus son?

IF mother isB plus and father is B- OR A- there is a risk for making baby?

No; that ABO Rh combination will not affect the pregnancy. Other factors may, of course.

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Father b plus plus mother o plus equals?

b positive :)

Would it be possible if a father with a blood type B plus and a mother with A plus will result to a O plus?

Yes. If the father were BO+ and the mother were AO+, there is a 25% chance their child could be an O+.