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Yes there is in my times Ive experienced ghosts i don't know if there's any proof on camera but just go to place that is haunted like a old Indian cemetery.

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Q: Is there any proof ghosts are real?
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Are ghhost real?

Some people believe that ghosts are real. There does not seem to be any real scientific evidence or proof of the existence of ghosts, but there is also no evidence that they do not exist.

What proof is there to prove that ghosts exist?

There is no proof that ghosts exist. Until there is, they are not real. Ghost Buster

Are there real ghosts if yes show the proof?

There are ghosts only in our minds.

Is there any proof that ghosts are real?

yes i do i have seen one in my room and caught it lol ................ u caught it huh........... and did u remember i already killed the ghost u caught....... so now there is no proof that ghosts are real!!

Are there realy ghosts?

There is no real proof so only if you strongly belive there are ghosts, there might be ghosts.

How does a ghost become a ghost?

They don't. There is no proof that ghosts are real or, for that matter, no proof of a hell.

How do you know if you can see ghosts?

Ghosts do not exist. It is just a figment of people's imagination. No proof whatsoever they are real.

Is there any conclusive proof that ghosts are real?

Even with new technology there is still no conclusive proof that ghosts are in fact real. While believers point to orbs, shadows, and mist phenomenon caught on camera as "proof" no scientific peer reviewed literature exists on the topic. Until science takes on that cause it will always be a matter of belief.

Are people ghosts to ghosts?

Nobody really knows that ghosts exist in the first place. So to speculate whether we appear to ghosts as ghosts is jumping the gun. So far there is no proof at all that ghosts are real. Until there is, it's perfectly rational to conclude they are not real. I think they are not real! WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GHOSTS R REAL you are apsilutly right ghost are very real there are ghost everywhere!

Are there really ghosts or Goddesses?

There is some debate regarding whether there are ghosts and Goddesses in the world. Some people believe that ghosts and Goddesses exist while some believe that none of these creatures are real. There does not seem to be any scientific proof that ghosts or Goddesses exist.

How do you write a persuasive speech on ghosts are real?

You use proof from paranormal investigations.

Is there any ghost?

Ghosts are NOT real