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Yes, Has the damage been fully repaired and the vehicle inspected and title cleaned up? You shouldn't have trouble getting 'liability' coverage, but collision and comprehensive yes.

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Q: Is there any reason why it would be difficult to insure a vehicle which has previously been declared a total loss?
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Why is it difficult to insure the 'Mona Lisa' painting in the US?

I believe it would be difficult to insure it anywhere.

What would your premium cost if you were previously not insured?

Some companies will not insure a person or vehicle that have went uninsured for any length of time, others will. You will need to contact an agent for the answer.

Can you insure a car on a fleet Insurance policy even though you don't own it?

No. You can't insure a vehicle that you do not own. You must have an insurable interest in a vehicle in order to insure it.

Can you insure a car in Michigan in your name if the title is in a grandchild's name?

That's going to depend on what your insurance company allows. Some allow you to insure a vehicle that is not in your name others do not. At the company I previously worked for we did allow you to insure a vehicle in your name even if the title was not in your name. You had to add an "owned by endorsement" to the policy. They will get all of the information about the owner as well as all of your information and run both driving records. Depending on the age of the grandchild, they might even rate for them on the vehicle if they do not have another vehicle that is insured in their name, or if they are not rated on another insurance policy.

Do you have to insure a vehicle that is not in use?

To answer your question - no, you do not have to insure a vehicle that is not in use. So long as the vehicle is not being driven, it is not necessary to insure it. However, should the vehicle be stolen during the period in which the vehicle is not insured, then I do believe that is simply considered as a loss, and is not worthy or reimbursement. The other downside is also that if the vehicle remains in your ownership and uninsured for a certain amount of time, you may also be charged an additional fee to re-insure your vehicle again in the future. Bottom line - It is not necessary to insure a vehicle that is not in use, but be wary of any pontential future repurcussions. Hope this helps!

Is a co-signer on a new vehicle that is being financed able to insure and register that vehicle alone?

Insure?? yes, register? NOT unless your name is on the TITLE.

How do you get liblity insurance on a borrowed car that no insurance?

You have to own a vehicle to insure it then you have to register it as the registered owner. So if you are borrowing a vehicle either the owner has to insure it or you have to buy it from them

How do you insure a vehicle against acts of war?

You can't

Can you own a vehicle but have someone else insure it?


How long do you have to insure a vehicle if you bought it?

Find out yourself!

Can insure a vehicle twice?

No, you cannot insure a vehicle twice with two different insurance policies simultaneously. This is considered double coverage and is not allowed as it can lead to insurance fraud. You must choose a single insurance policy to cover your vehicle.

How do you get insurance if you don't have a vehicle?

There is no need for auto insurance if you don't have a vehicle. What would there be to insure ?