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Some say the geological record all around the world testifies to the flood at the time of Noah. Catastrophic burial, creatures preserved as fossils, the upheaval of the earth's surface all vindicate the Biblical account. This is also in harmony with the vast quantities of water still present on the earth in varying forms and locations - enough to cover the tops of the mountains of the day.

The Jewish recorded history of the event, which is in the Old Testament in The Bible, is itself a reliable record of the events. Some other cultures have versions of a catastrophic event written at a similar or later time than the Genesis account.

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There is no geological record of a flood that could have wiped out all living things. Moreover, scientists say there is not sufficient water on Earth to create such a flood. To add to this, scholars do not believe Noah was a real, historical person.

In support of the geological position, archaeologists say that the Egyptian civilisation (among others) continued undisturbed through the entire period attributed to Noah, and left written records of their activities.

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Q: Is there any record of a flood when Noah was alive?
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A:If the biblical story of Noah and the great worldwide flood were true, we would all be descendants of Noah - every single one of us. However, scientists dismiss the Flood story as purely mythical, as do many theologians and biblical scholars. On this view, Noah did not really exist and therefore does not have any descendants.

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Now there is a very strange question. Assuming that the Genesis version of the Flood legend is correct (other civilizations have other versions), then the answers are two: 1) before the Flood: no impact, as nobody believed the flood was coming and they just laughed at Noah. 2) After the flood; No society. Noah and his family were the only survivors. Noah himself, who is described as a 'preacher of righteousness' in 2Peter 2:5, does not appear to have had any successful impact on the ante-deluvian society, as mentioned above. No-one joined him and his family on the ark. Post-flood Noah was the patriarch of a new world and little is recorded about his impact then. What is recorded tells us that God can use fallible people.

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The Bible does not give any indication of what Noah did as an occupation before the flood. It does refer to him as a 'preacher of righteousness', although most would not consider that this was his occupation full-time.

Are there any other interpretations of Noah's Ark such as non Christian views?

There are literally hundreds of flood accounts found in the mythologies of the various people groups dispersed around the world. Even though none of them use the term Noah, there clearly must be a connection back to the historical event of the flood, especially as many of these groups did not interact. In other words, it is not likely that they all independently developed their own 'flood myth' but that they came about as an account based on an actual event. Many of them do have some striking similarities to the Biblical record. All of them are certainly non-Christian views and they existed well before there was any contact with Christian missionaries. The prevailing non-Christian view in the west is of course that Noah never existed, despite abundant evidence consistent with a worldwide flood.

Who are the descendants of Cain today?

I don't think there are any descendants left. The flood came and only Noah and his family was given the gift of life.

What were the words of the covenant in Genesis 9 verse 11?

"And I (God) will establish My covenant with you (Noah); and all flesh shall never again be destroyed by the waters of the flood; nor shall there any more be a flood to destroy the earth."

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An asteroid did NOT destroy the dinosaurs. A flood did. Read the Bible. :) The flood was the one who killed the dinosaurs, but Noah took small dinosaurs (e.g lizards, crocodiles).

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The story of Noah is found in the Book of Genesis in the Bible, specifically in chapters 6-9. It is part of the narrative that describes the Great Flood and Noah's construction of the ark to save himself, his family, and pairs of each animal species.

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Ararat was the name of the mountain range on which Noah's ark settled. The book of Genesis indicated that the ark settled on one mountain in the range [8:4]. But it didn't indicate any name or description that would have helped specified the ark's final resting place.