

Best Answer

if u wanna go 2 jail, ya. if u wanna go 2 jail, ya.

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Q: Is there any way for somebody in California to get their driver's license early?
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Can you get your drivers license early in Mississippi?

You can apply for an LP license as early as age 15. To apply, visit your local driver's ... You can apply for a replacement license at your local driver's license office.

How early are you allowed to be out on a junior drivers license?

That depends on the state that you live in.

Can you get a drivers license early due to family handicap?

No! Becauseu have to be 16 to get a lisons

Did the ford model t car have license plates?

In the early days of automobiles there were no license plates. Later one they came into existence as states started licensing cars and drivers. When depends on the state.

How early before birthday can I renew my drivers in Florida?

You can renew your valid Florida driver's license up to 18 months before it expires.

Is it possible to renew your drivers license extra early if you will be in the hospital on or near your birthday in Ohio?

It is possible to renew your Ohio driver's license early, however there is a penalty for doing so. If you renew more than 90 days prior to your licenses expiration, your license will only be valid for 3 years instead of 4. If you are within a 90 day time frame, your license will still be valid for the normal 4 years.

In indiana do you have to take drivers ed if you are 16?

That answer is a good example as to why you shouldn't look for information on sites like this. The earliest you can take a written test for your drivers permit is as early as your 15th birthday but you can not take your driving test and get your licence until your 16th birthday. Drivers education is not a requirement but if you take drivers ed it can help in lowering your car insurance costs.

Can you get your lincese early by being in drivers ed?


Can you get your driver's license early if you have a birthday on a Saturday?


What year did Taylor Lautner get his driver's license?

Harry styles got his license at the age of 18. Why? Well in England you can't get your drivers license until your 18. That's why Europe can drive better!

What was George Washington early schooling like?

Not much is known about his early schooling. Somebody taught him the basics but just who did is not known.