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Yes, manganese dioxide catalyzes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide. Manganese dioxide (MnO2) is an inorganic catalyst. An example of an organic compound would be catalase, such as liver. In my high school Honors Biology class, we performed a lab studying biochemical reactions, and the results showed that MnO2 catalyzes, not reacts. So there you have it ~ proof, evidence!

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Q: Is there evidence that manganese dioxide catalyzes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide instead of reacting with it?
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Does manganese dioxide catalyze the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide?

Yes manganese dioxide catalyzes the break down of hydrogen peroxide.

Which enzyme assists in the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide?

manganese dioxide

Which enzyme is responsible to the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide?

Manganese oxide is a catalyst which speeds up the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

What enzyme filled sac is found in the liver and produces hydrogen peroxide?

Catalase, however it does not produce hydrogen peroxide but rather catalyzes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen gas.

What happens when manganese dioxide is added to hydrogen peroxide and why was manganese dioxide added to the test tube containing hydrogen peroxide?

Yes, it would bubble because the bubbles are the result of the breakdown of two hydrogen peroxide molecules into oxygen and two water molecules.

Manganese dioxide hydrogen?

= Manganese and Water

Why a pinch of manganese dioxide causes hydrogen peroxide to explode?

Manganese dioxide is a catalyst for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

Does poor sensitivity or poor specificity cause a false positive from the reaction between inoculating loop and hydrogen peroxide?

Catalase is the enzyme that catalyzes the breakdown of hydrogen peroxide, which in result, turns into water and oxygen. However, if catalase is presence in the medium, it may lead to false positive results.

Why does manganese oxide react with hydrogen peroxide?

When the Maganese Dioxide (black powder) was added to the Hydrogen Peroxide (clear), it bubbled.It creates Water and Oxygen gas.The reaction is Decomposition.Hydrogen Peroxide --> Water + Oxygen2Hâ‚‚Oâ‚‚ --> 2Hâ‚‚O + Oâ‚‚When you write the reaction, make sure you put manganese dioxide over the yield symbol because it is a catalyst.Manganese dioxide catalyzes the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide, to Water and oxygen:2 H2O2 ---MnO2---> 2 H2O + O2

What is the breakdown of water into hydrogen to oxygen is an example of?

Electrolysis. The breakdown of water into oxygen and hydrogen gas.

What elements are in manganese dioxide?

Manganese dioxide (MnO2) contains the elements manganese and oxygen.

What will you observe when adding manganese oxide to hydrogen peroxide?

A decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen. The manganese oxide acts as a catalyst and is not itself changed.