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White bread contains more easily broken down carbohydrates than other breads like wheat. White bread causes a big insulin spike in the body causing it to burn more carbs for energy than burning its fat reserves like it is designed to do. White bread doesnt have more carbs so to say just worse carbs for you. Especially if you are looking to lose weight

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9y ago

Wheat bread is actually quite high in carbohydrates. 100 grams of wheat bread has an average 43 grams of carbohydrates.

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Q: Is there more carbohydrates in white bread?
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Why whole grain bread is healthier than white bread?

Actually, yes it is. Less carbohydrates. (carbs)

What has more sugar in it brown or white bread?

so ive been told brown bread has a lot more sugar in it than white so its not as healthy as people think it also take a lot longer to digest than white so can be sitting there a while it also has links to cancer and illness correct me if im wrong

Does white bread have more vinegar?

no white bread has no vinegar!

How do you classify bread and reason for classification?

Bread is commonly classified as a staple food made from grains and leavened with yeast or baking powder. It is typically categorized under carbohydrates, as it provides energy and is a major source of dietary fiber. Bread can be further classified into different types based on the ingredients used, such as white bread, whole wheat bread, or gluten-free bread.

Is bread good?

Yes, it's healthy and full of good carbohydrates. Brown (Wheat) Bread is healthier than White (Maize) Bread. A lot of people prefer the taste of white bread, but brown bread is healthier. BREAD IS GAY BUT GOOD WITH JIZZ another from my girl dev rev and Andrew

Which has more calories white bread or tortillas?

White bread has more calories than tortillas. A single serving of tortillas have 237 calories while white bread has 317

What is better White bread or whole wheat bread?

Yes, it is. white flour used to make white bread is bleached and processed (some countries use nasty chemicals to do this). The Brown flour is much less refined, and a more 'natural' product. White bread may also contain more sugars and additives. This is, of course, subject to which brand of bread you buy! Read the label, the less confusing chemical names in the list and the higher up the list the flour and water is, the better.

What foods are low carbohydrates or high carbohydrates?

Foods that are low in carbohydrates include meat, fish, eggs, fruit, nuts, seeds and vegetables. Foods that are high in carbohydrates include white bread, rice, pasta, potatoes and crisps.

How many carbohydrates in a bread roll?

Bread is a high carb food. One slice of regular bread has, on average, about 14g of carbs. Wheat bread has slightly less, 12g per slice. But it depends on the brand really. Some white breads can have 28g of carbs per slice!

What is a bread unit?

A bread unit is the amount of a foodstuff containing carbohydrates, in which there are 10 - 12 g of available carbohydrates 1 Bread Unit (BU) = 12 g carbohydrates .

Does toast have carbohydrates?

Yes, there are carbohydrates in toasted bread. .

Bread pasta and cookies all have something on common they are sources of what?

Carbohydrates and fiber can be found in bread, rice and pasta.