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Q: Is there more than just 3 skulls on the mythic map pack for Halo 3?
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How many sculls are in Halo 3?

There are 13 campaign skulls ( 9 gold ones which unlock achievements and 4 silver ones which make the game more fun ) and 6 mythic skulls ( 3 for the halo 3 mythic pack and 3 more for the halo 3 odst mythic pack )

Will you have to collect skulls in halo reach?

You can, just like in Halo 3. It will have more skulls in it too. I'm not 100% sure what all of the names are and their functions, But I will test it VERY soon.

What are some Halo 2 cheats?

The only things that would be counted as cheats in Halo 2 are the effects from the skulls when activated. More information on the Halo 2 Skulls is provided in the link below.

Where do you find skulls in Halo Combat Evolved?

There aren't really Skulls, they're more like glitches in the game.

Now that you have a Halo 3 scull what do you do?

You can use that during campaign scoring mode along with other skulls to rack up points more easily... if they are not silver skulls. silver skulls are used to just have fun during campaign mode.

What do skulls do in halo?

well depending on what skulls you turn on the skulls will make it harder [usually] or more fun [only two actually make it fun] but will improve your skills and give you more points

Skulls in Halo 3?

The Skulls in Halo 3 were made to make the gamers time funner and more challenging they also act as an Armor Unlocker All of the Skulls get u the Hayabusha Helmet 9 Shoulders 6 Body I hope this helped alot!

How do you get all the skulls in Halo 3?

u find them on levels in the campaigne mode. if u need more help just look on youtube for a vid.

What do the secret skulls on Halo 2 do?

The skulls on halo 2 and 3 activate funny effects and mostly make the campaign mode more challenging for the most experienced players like me. wow someone has a silver spoon up his ass

Does odst come with Halo 3?

halo 3 ODST will probably come with a second disc with all the Halo 3 Online maps on it (all 21) plus 3 more. will be halo 3 format.

How do you get Hybusa on Halo 3?

to get the helmet get all skulls (including the gray ones) the shoulders or maybe it's the chest unlock at 5 skulls. The Chest or maybe it's the shoulders take 3 skulls. For the katana (the sword on your back that you cannot use) needs 1000 Halo 3 Gamer score points. P.S. if you have ODST you can find the skulls on the multiplayer maps and if you pick it up it gives you 30 more achievements for halo 3!(Including the one you just got for picking up this skull on a multiplayer map) Also this is all on the second disc that comes with ODST since the first one has it's own Halo 3 ODST achievements.

Does Halo wars come with Halo 3 mythic map pack?

I wish it did, but unfortunately it doesn't. If you want the mythic map pack, you will have to buy the "limited edition" or "special edition" pack, which unfortunately costs around 50% more than the game alone, pre-order pricing at 60-80 US dollars.