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you should read the ingredients to find out

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Q: Is there preservatives in home brand white bread?
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Do bread have preservatives?

Almost all white bread has alot of preservatives because there is a bleach in it that makes it white, but all breads will have a little bit of preservatives in them because the wheat in the bread is sprayed with preservatives. You're best off buying organic bread.

What are some breads without preservatives?

Any bread can be made without preservatives- it will need to be consumed or frozen within a few days, or it starts to grow mold. "Artisan" breads- made at a local bakery that sells them directly to consumers usually do not have preservatives. Check with the bakery. Even better- learn how to bake (it is really not hard- I do it) and make some bread of your own. That way you know exactly what you put in it- and nothing tastes as good as bread warm from the oven.

Which bread molds the fastest bakery bread or store bought bread?

by letting air get to it Also, it will grow if it is put in a dampish, wet, and place without a lot of light.

How do you save bread?

To save bread, you must put the bread into a plastic wrap and stick it in the right side of the refrigerator (or top). This is to prevent mold and rotting; it will keep the bread fresh usually even after the expiration date.

Does mold grow faster on store bought bread or homemade bread?

The purpose of the experiment was to discover how the type of bread affected the amount of mold. The bread was cut and placed in separate Ziploc bags. The bread was measured for mold every day and was recorded on the data sheet. My hypothesis was "If the white, wheat, whole wheat, sourdough, and sweet bread were placed in Ziploc bags and left for 20 days, then the sweet bread would grow the most mold because the sweet bread had the most energy (sugar) that the mold can use to grow." Whole Wheat bread was the type of bread that grew the most mold, while white, wheat, and sourdough did not grow any mold. When Whole Wheat bread was left to mold, it grew an average of 60.91 square cm. When sweet bread was left to mold, it grew an average of .58 square cm. of mold. When white, wheat, and sourdough were left to mold, they grew no visible mold.

Is it possible to have wholemeal pita bread?

Yes. Wholemeal flour can be substituted for up to half the white flour when making pita bread at home. Most supermarkets carry whole wheat (whole meal) pita bread alongside pita made with white flour.

What preservatives are commonly used in the home?

sugar, salt and vinegar

What are some of the common preservatives used at home?

anu kaya

What will happen if you open preserves and do not refrigerate?

They will spoil. There are no preservatives in home canned preserves.

Does wheat bread last longer than white bread?

It has to do with the way your body breaks down sugars. White bread has simple sugars, which are empty calories. Wheat bread has more complex sugars, and provide more energy. Also, wheat bread has more fiber.

Does it take longer for bread to mold in water or in vinegar?

All bread will grow Mold if it's old and stale, depending where the bread is kept i.e. if it's in a warm environment the mold will grow much more quickly, nothing to do with the type of bread.

What place is bread made in?

Bread is often made in bakeries. You can also make bread yourself at home using your oven or a bread maker.